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23-12-12, 16:13
When my voice goes all shaky and I end up in a flood of tears at the doctors :weep:
I'm considering booking a late Wednesday app which is 20 minutes long instead of 10 as I just feel I will be inconsolable

23-12-12, 16:15
I think the doctor will understand perfectly, I often just sit and cry uncontrollably when I go to see mine :hugs:

23-12-12, 16:20
Thanks :( feeling beyond stressed out today.
I think I'm coming up to two years since I joined this site what a waste of two years.
I often feel the pressure GPS are under when I go in the time limit etc etc so I think I need a longer app even if that takes longer than usual and have to wait longer. There's one doc I really like he makes me laugh but I wouldn't feel comfatble to cry in front of him ? I don't know if to see him or a women doctor.
I feel very very rough today. Chest hurts when coughing . 3 colds in two months I'm so scared ill die from it as my immune systems so low how can I possible fight of a simple bug.
It's not flu I've had flu before and I wouldn't be on here if it was flu but its still very scary to me for some reason.
Once I had double blown ear infection throat and sinus infection at once I don't think I got out of bed for a week lol!

23-12-12, 16:23
Don't worry, I got all emotional and cried when I went to the doctor's back in August. She was understanding and handed me a tissue. :) I'm sure you'll be fine.

23-12-12, 16:28
I usually cry at the doctors, no matter what the reason for attending . They are used to this and are very understandable.

23-12-12, 16:34
Thanks guys at least I won't look like some sort of plonker!
Worked it out three colds in a month? Normal ?

23-12-12, 16:36
Some colds are just difficult to get rid of, you think it is going and then it comes back especially if we are under stress. Hope you feel better soon. I have a sore throat today so think I will end up with a cold for Christmas x

23-12-12, 16:39
I've had that happen to me before - I have a cold and think it's gone, but then it re-appears a couple of weeks later, even worse. I thought I was going to get a cold at the end of November, but it didn't come out fully (which is just as well as I was going away on a short break that weekend). I thought it had gone, but at the start of this week it came back worse. I just had to work through it as I had strict deadlines to meet and I didn't want to take time off so close to the Christmas holidays. Thankfully the cold has gone again now.

23-12-12, 16:41
You tell your self to stop being anxious as it makes it worse but then the physical symptoms appear and you can't help be anxious again! I hate this cycle it's horrible

---------- Post added at 16:41 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

My last bad one was a head cold it was awful end of November had a minor one about two weeks ago nothing really now this nasty chesty cold!
Just want to feel like me again.
I've been in bed all day today done nothing at all except watch crap tele .
I can't see how a stressed immune system can fight it off

23-12-12, 16:43
It might be a good idea for you to take Echinacea supplement for a few months.

23-12-12, 16:48
What is that? :)
I'm terrified I can't fight this cold off absolutely terrified I desperately want sleep but I can not sleep...
I have family around over Xmas but I don't want them here I can't fake a smile or a laugh.

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

The last time I took pills citolpram my mother threw them out and told me never to take them ever again
Is their side effects to this supplement ?

23-12-12, 16:50
Your mother had no right to do that! If it makes you feel better, you take them!

23-12-12, 16:52
I'd start again in secret but if I had a bad reaction how could I tell anyone for help? That's another fear of mine.
I didn't even get a chance to let them work and I'm scared of her as well.

23-12-12, 16:55
I presume you live at home? It's awful that you're scared of your mother. She should respect your decisions. If you are over 18, you can have whatever treatment you want and your mother will just have to deal with it. If you had a bad reaction or anything like that, you would be able to go back to the doctor and see what they advise.

23-12-12, 17:55
Echinacea is herbal and helps to fight of colds, you can read about it here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6231190.stm

23-12-12, 18:04
Thanks Annie. My mum suggested going to thr gp to check my chest tomorrow which in turn scared me why does she think something bad will happen ?
It feels like there's a razor inside my chest when I cough on thr central upper part .
She asked if I'm struggling to breath and tbh I am shallow breathing a bit I think but I also can feel my heart racing

That link sounds good Annie is it something s gp prescribes? I'd like to speak to one first before taking it really.
My mum says go tomorrow but why it is just a cold? Even if it is the third one in s month and I'm worried I can't fight them as I catch them, easily.

---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

Sparkle I'm 19 and live at home
I earn £10,000 a year and have sat here budgeting to move out but the money is so tight x

23-12-12, 18:34
You can buy it at chemists and health food shops. You can't get it from your GP, it is a natural product.