View Full Version : worrying about worrying!

23-12-12, 16:45
Hi all,
I am a worrier. I think there should be a self help group! I worry all the time, i worry about everyone, i worry about animals, people, my family getting sick...all the time, worry worry worry. How can i stop this constant battle with myself and stop worrying?! i know this is how my anxiety started..and it will never end until i can stop my brain ticking over and over!

does anyone have this?

23-12-12, 16:52
I am the same, I just said to someone last night that if I didn't have something to worry about I would be worrying about why I wasn't worrying. :doh:

23-12-12, 16:53
Annie said exactly what I was going to say haha
It's just never ending

23-12-12, 19:13
its a horrible circle, i wish i could switch my brain off. i can never have kids or a pet cos i know i will be a complete mess..i would'nt even know where to start worrying :mad:
im worrying about xmas now!

23-12-12, 19:24
I could worry for England.

If you're suffering from GAD then you'll always find something to obsess over, even the smallest things.

It's not pleasant :ohmy:

23-12-12, 19:40
How many of us must be able to relate to this?? I'm doing pretty well at the moment but at my worst, I worried about everything from the sublime to the ridiculous. On the odd occasion I wasn't worrying about something, my mind started to look for something to worry about and usually found something.

If I look back at some of the things I've had sleepless nights worrying over, it makes me realise what a lot of time I've wasted for no good reason.

Take care and I hope you all have a worry-free Christmas.

Pip x

23-12-12, 19:58
I have been told by family members I am not happy unless I have something to worry about. I think this is an unfair statement, but I admit I obsess and worry about nearly everything. From important things to stupid things , like wondering if I have enough pairs of clean socks to last the week!! Trivial things like this can make me loose sleep. It is impossible sometimes .

23-12-12, 23:50
Yes I'm like this too. Like you I could never have a child as I'd be terrified of the responsibility and I find it hard enough to look after myself, let alone anybody else!

24-12-12, 09:17
If anyone finds a cure for worrying be sure to pass it on!
I'm going to try hypnosis...

24-12-12, 11:42
I've personally found the combination of citalopram and CBT is working well for me. It's by no means a cure and doesn't work for everyone, but I don't know where I'd be this year without it! :)

24-12-12, 20:02
im exactly the same!!
i worry about every possible situation going.
my most stupid worry at the moment is the flooding and i worry about irony e.g if i take every possible safety precaution...... and something still going dreadfully wrong

i must stop this worrying!

24-12-12, 20:12
its a vicious circle i find hard to break out of. i loose whole nights sleep worrying about the next day and woorying how i will cope, round and round, over and over. i have found my new combination of meds to be a help though (im on venlafaxine and mirtazapine)

28-12-12, 04:39
I have the same thing i worry about feeling nervous i dont like feeling on edge i self check on how anxous im feeling my mind still goes when trying to distract my self i hate it i feel numb like feeling cut off from around me feeling just feel flat for no reason

28-12-12, 06:42
My therapist gave me an exercise to do called a worry tree. I am not a major worrier as such except about my heart and dying. I don't really worry about much else so I've not used it but basically the tree branches in two. Can you do something about what you are worrying about yes or no? If no then accept you can't do anything and stop worrying. If yes is it something you can do immediately or does it have to be later for whatever reason? If immediately do it and stop worrying. If it has to be later write down an action plan and then stop worrying about it because you have just proved to yourself you can't do anything until later and you have taken positive action by making a plan.

She said to write this down for the first several times and that it should become automatic. Try googling worry tree for an example if none of this has made sense.

Hope it helps someone out.

29-12-12, 18:25
thanks arnie that sounds good, i might try that tree!