View Full Version : Have you been accused of being an Attention Seeker?

23-12-12, 17:37
I've been trying to find a post I read that someone typed about being labelled an attention seeker but I can't find it so I thought I'd type this in the hope whoever it was might read it.

At the time of reading that post I couldn't help thinking what exactly is wrong with being an attention seeker but I thought I'd try and find out more before I replied in case I was wrong.

However, what I discovered just re-inforced my belief because a professional I know just confirmed what I thought - that there is absolutely nothing wrong in needing attention.

The only reason we are made to feel it is something bad or wrong is simply because those who label us with this title find our behaviour irritating and a nuisance to them because they don't take the time to try and understand what is causing our behaviour.

Simply put, being a so-called attention seeker means that the person has a need that isn't being met. What happens when we are born? We turn to our mother to be fed and for comfort, and yet when we're older people think it's wrong to need comfort and support from others but they don't understand that often sufferers feel afraid, insecure and alone so they need others attention to make them feel whole, worth someting, needed, wanted and most importantly loved. However, it's because we ask for frequent comfort or reassurance that people lose patience and so they accuse without stopping to think why.

Quite honestly, I would absolutely LOVE to be surrounded by so-called attention seekers because to me they would never feel demanding or feel a nuisance because I'd love to feel needed myself.

Of course there are limits and peoples behaviour can become too extreme but I could certainly relate to the average so-called attention seeker that just needs someone to care and be there for them.

Anyway, if you've been called an attention seeker just because you need frequent comfort and support of others, don't let them make you feel bad just because they don't stop to think about your needs that aren't being met.:hugs:

23-12-12, 20:25
I think you're very right Bill. All people need attention, but some can seek it in inappropriate ways and from inappropriate people if their needs do not get met.

23-12-12, 22:31
I've been trying to find a post I read that someone typed about being labelled an attention seeker but I can't find it
There are a few Bill, but this would seem to be the most obvious one, mybe it's the one you saw?

24-12-12, 05:22
Thank you Mark. That was the thread I read. It rather annoyed me that someone could be made to feel so bad when they had done no wrong. It feels so much harm can be caused to vulnerable people when all they need is someone to listen who will understand them. It's how stigma starts and then people become too afraid to talk about their feelings for fear of being judged and misunderstood. I just find it very sad when someone in need is made to feel so bad.

When it comes to pure emotional needs, a little patience and understanding can go a long way towards helping people in need of someone who shows caring. It seems all too often whether in society or within families, people who are frightened are pushed away instead of receiving the love and compassion they need.

25-12-12, 16:11
If I ever saw anything like that in my medical notes I would be very upset indeed.
I have just read the original thread .
Brought back memories of when i was waiting at the school gates for the children
to come out from school and i heard a conversation two women were having.
Aparently one of the women had taken her child to the doctors for the second time,
the doctor said she was worrying too much because she had an only child.
I have always remembered that.Beggers belief
Nice to have you back Bill x:welcome: