View Full Version : ulner nerve? pains and pins and needles

23-12-12, 19:08
hi all

sorry if im posting in the wrong bit , just joined , everythings new

well hope i can get ideas and advice so here goes

ive been having problems for say a week now , symptoms fit EXACTLY to ulner nerve entrapment

BUT today its been really bad and this evening things are weirder

instead of just numbness/pins and needles/ aching etc in left arm (all started with left arm pinky and ring finger) my armpit has been hurting , then my neck (left front side) and now pins/needles (sometimes stabbing pains) is moving up left side of face a bit and even my scalp
had some in my left foot and the odd bit in right hand and left chest

some background: im male, 42 , 12.5st 5ft11

have actually been having problems in my feet lately and have had blood tests which came back as high uric acid, low vit d, low calcium and slightly anemic
so been adressing these and had fresh blood test other day , so waiting on doctors to come back to me (still bad feet though lol)

any help appreciated


23-12-12, 22:10
Hey, I am having similar pain just now, I have got small areas of my head which are really sore, my neck aches down the left side of it, my shoulder is agony and all down my left arm to my pinky and ring finger, which are a bit tingly. Don't know what is causing it, but I slept in a camp bed at a friends house last night so might have slept funny on it?

23-12-12, 22:15
Welcome to the site. I cannot help but there will be some with good advice. I wish you all the best.


24-12-12, 12:23
The low vitamins might a factor, adding to the cramping or pain.

It does sound like a trapped nerve.
I can get numb fingers and sharp arm pains if I sit in the wrong position for too long.
But when I move around and streach it always takes care of the problem.

I've occasionally gotten all on side side, tight jaw, sore neck, squeezing pain on upper arm along with numbness. I was given muscle relaxants which helped.

24-12-12, 12:35
Hi I agree with what Anxious gal has said I get numbness in my left shoulder down my are and my fingers tingle.

I have had an emg done on the left arm and they said it is a nerve getting trapped now and again because of the way sit. I also get chest pains which I end up wearing a posture support to help.

As I always say Posture Posture Posture is a cause of most aches and pains and in turn can lead to stress.

Hope you start feeling better soon