View Full Version : Struggling

23-12-12, 20:55
Hi all,

Having some health anxiety at the moment and getting myself completely stressed out so hoping that by posting here I'll feel a little less alone. I've been really lucky this week and managed to go out more etc but since yesterday I've felt really quite ill. I do have an on-going genuine illness so it could be related to that but I also have a bad sickness phobia so any type of illness freaks me out. We have a houseful of people here on Christmas Day which I'm dreading (horrible person, I know) and I just really don't want to be or feel ill for it so it could be anxiety induced or at least worsened because of the anxiety.

Aargh, sorry for the moaning. I just wish that anxiety didn't cause psychosomatic illnesses, almost feel like I could handle nerves but the feeling genuinely ill because of it is just horrible and I feel like it's that part that I can't control at all.

Hope everyone is handling Christmas better than I am :blush: and managing to enjoy themselves as much as possible.

23-12-12, 21:42
Hi LOST2010 dont be so hard on yourself you aren't moaning far from it, your like me your anxious i know how you feel i am the same, but i have said to myself i am not letting this anxiety take over my christmas with my family, i too am dreading people comming over as i too have a full house and am suffering terrible anxiety at the same time.
I am going to try and enjoy myself as much as i can without letting this get me down or make me feel terrible, We both are going to get through it and we are both going to enjoy it Happy Christmas Graham:hugs::hugs::bighug1:

23-12-12, 22:01
I have to admit, I'm really struggling; every ache and pain (of which there are, sadly, several) is for me the beginning of the end, and I become really anxious about ruining Christmas for my family. Rationally I know it's probably nothing fatal, but I just can't seem to relax and accept the fact.

23-12-12, 22:22
Thanks guys, really appreciate your responses. I think worrying about panicking about ruining it for everyone else often fuels the anxiety and it just ends up in a vicious cycle so need just try and relax and hope it goes well. Whatever happens, in a few days it will all be over :D

Sorry you are both struggling as well, this time of year seems to be difficult for people with anxiety, from reading the boards it seems a lot of people are finding it hard so at least we're not alone! Wishing you all the best, hope you enjoy it as much as possible :hugs:

23-12-12, 22:42
We all have one thing in common thats anxiety we all have another thing in common as well were worried about the aches and pains and conditions we have and we are struggling.

but i can just say this guys i am determined to not let this ruin my Christmas so join me and we will all try to enjoy this christmas as much as we can together guys.:yesyes::yesyes:
