View Full Version : Nausea and regurgitation? Please help. I'm scared.

23-12-12, 23:28
I'm not even sure if it regurgitation to be honest, but it feels like it. I'm sure it is food/drink coming back up into the back of my throat because let's say for example, I drink some tea. I would feel something rising up in my throat and it feels warm like the tea did. If I drink water, I can feel a cold sensation rising up my throat.

I'm constantly feeling nauseous and I'm scared that it's vomit trying to come up but I'm just not letting it since I'm SO afraid of vomiting. I would rather die, to be honest.

I can always tell if it's going to be a burp that comes up or something else. Just now, I burped and it felt/tasted a bit acidic but mostly tasted like vomit which scared the hell out of me. :weep:

It generally comes in waves. For example, I can feel something come up every 20 seconds or so for a little while, then it goes for a while, then it comes back again. I highly doubt it's Acid Reflux/GERD because when it comes up it doesn't feel burny or anything. It just feels like vomit.... Or food, whatever it is. It's SO unpleasant and I'm getting absolutely sick of it. My doctors put it down to anxiety only but I just KNOW it isn't.. Obviously something is going on in my stomach area. I should be keeping food/drink/stomach acids down, not up. Now, I can feel it come up and I try forcing a bit but it just doesn't come up.... It goes back down again after a few seconds or so. I'm also constantly burping it seems. They're not normal burps either, they are very tiny most of the time and need forcing.

Speaking of my stomach, it keeps making popping like noises and gurgling, even though I am not hungry at all. I cannot describe how it feels sometimes. It feels kind of..... heavy? Like something is inside it. And my chest, sometimes feels like something is there. It doesn't feel like food stuck there or anything, it just feels like something's there..

I'm just really scared because it definitely feels like vomit coming up, but I will never allow myself to do that. I've had this for a very long time and it's getting worse. I'm scared I have something serious, like Barrett's Esophagus, stomach cancer or oesophageal cancer..

I cannot put up with the feeling anymore. I've tried telling my parents and they say 'oh shut up will you, there's nothing wrong with you' etc... To be honest, I haven't felt well in years now. Everyday I struggle to get through the day and stuff.. If this was sorted, I'd be SO much happier!

Does anyone have any idea what this condition might be? I'm 18 years old by the way.


23-12-12, 23:40
Have you ever heard of acid reflux? This can be made worse from anxiety, and of course your emetophobia will make you panic every time it happens, making the situation worse. I just replied to your other topic, but for many years when my anxiety was at its worse, I would feel ill every day of my life. Convinced I had a stomach bug, when really it was just anxiety.

24-12-12, 00:27
Hello bookitty and thank you for replying, I appreciate it.

Yes, I have heard of Acid Reflux but I always assumed that you had to have the burning sensation to have it, which I have rarely. Unless you can have Acid Reflux without the burning sensation? It does seem like I have a lot of other symptoms that relates to it though, so I would not be surprised if it was to be honest.

You're right about anxiety making the whole thing worse, I've definitely noticed that in my case. However, it's still there even when I'm not anxious or stressed, just not as bad I guess. I've heard that anxiety causes your stomach to produce more acid so it definitely makes sense.

I'm like you also. Every bit of pain in stomach or if I feel nauseous all of a sudden I automatically think it's the Norovirus. Unless I've been home for a while and haven't been near anyone then I don't.

Also, another reason I'm questioning on if it is acid reflux is because I've tried things like Gaviscon and Omerprazole which had no effect on it. That's when the doctors put it down to anxiety. I'm seeing a new doctor on the 14th January and hope I will get referred to have some tests done to put my mind at ease. I really don't like the thought of going to a hospital to have things like an upper endoscopy done though because hospitals are breeding grounds for Norovirus. Ugh. :(

02-01-13, 21:31
Hi Rls1994, I just want to let you know I have similar symptoms and it's all down to anxiety and depression with me. I have constant nausea and painful burping which makes me think about the norovirus, which makes me worry, which makes me more anxious and and because of that I get more depressed. I'm absolutely terrified of the norovirus and it's made me totally paranoid when I'm in crowds, I rarely go in cafe's and I'm contantly aware of the possibilty of germs being on anything I touch. I hope you're feeling better now, but it's also nice to know I'm not alone with my fears coz my family and friends also think I'm too paranoid.

02-01-13, 22:04
Hi there, it sounds to me like anxiety, I have also suffered with something very similar, I was backwards and forwards to the doctors for months. I suffer with anxiety and suffer with reflux, belching, nausea etc.
I finally tried slippery elm capsules, I'm never without them now, at the first sign of it flaring up again I take them.
I know its easy to say try not to worry, but please try not to, it really sounds like anxiety rather than anything awful, you are very young also for it to be anything serious, things like that tend to be more common in middle age + hope you manage to sort it out and feel better, its awful to feel anxious about your health, I too am terrified of getting norovirus, take care x

01-02-13, 22:26
Hey Rls,

Your thread interests me as I am having the same problems as you. I was having the feeling of a lump in my throat over the last month and finally saw an ENT on Monday. He diagnosed me with LPR.

I am currently on Omeprazole once-a-day and Gaviscon Advance first thing in the morning, after each meal and before bed. However, I am getting this feeling of something rising up my oesophagus then going back down. I used to be able to burp quite well, but now if I do now it is usually followed by liquid.

I used to have bad Reflux which went away after changing my lifestyle but since having a health scare in Dec '12 has come back with a vengeance. I'm going to the Doctor's on Monday but have a feeling that she is going to say it is all in my head as she knows I suffer with anxiety.

Barrett's Oesophagus is on my mind too and being only 29 scares the s**t out of me. I know that a very very small amount of people go on to develop Oesophegal cancer from Barrett's, frankly it is messing me up big time.

If it's not one thing, it's another. Go to your Docs and tell them about your symptoms. I know I need to be looked at by a GI specialist but the suspense and waiting with the NHS is killing me, also I know my Doctor is going to try and palm me off.

02-02-13, 00:39
It sounds like it could be acid reflux I get that all the time. I often burp and say that I got a second taste of my lunch or something like that.

You may need a strong does of antacids such as 40mg of omeprazole, another good tablet is motillium its actually an anti nausea and vomiting medication but workse really well with the omeprazole I found. The motillium also helps prevent stuff from the stomach coming up and it also relieves the nausea feeling.

I would give it ago but you might have to get them from your doctor. I am sorry you have been feeling like this its yucky as I get it a lot, I panick too and avoid eating all together which is really bad.

I hope you are able to feel better soon.

02-02-13, 19:01

I went to the doctors on the 14th January and was prescribed Omeprazole 40mg and the first week I noticed a BIG difference. But after that, it seems like I'm back to square one again... I feel deathly sick, lose my appetite for everything and have an 'off' stomach. Today has been a great example. I've been feeling terrible all day. I'm still having the feeling of something come up but it's not even acidic. It makes me feel super nauseous until it goes back down a few seconds later.

I can't even sleep at night anymore because of it and my parents are complaining because I'm up and down all night getting a drink or going back down to relax because I sometimes try to burp and get a REAL disgusting taste in my mouth. Also, I feel worse when I'm in bed.

peler, I highly doubt you have Barratt's Oesphagus, especially at such a young age. I also worry about it too sometimes and I know I'm being stupid. I also think of having stomach cancer and stuff.

03-02-13, 15:12
Hi Rls. I've got the same symptoms as you. I was initially diagnosed with reflux by my doctor at uni because I was getting waves of nausea when I was in lectures or the library and a really sore throat in the mornings. At first lansoprazole really helped but gradually the reflux got worse again. I already had IBS so I'd cut out loads of food from my diet.

I have been wondering how come I have acid reflux but not heartburn. Reading about LPR makes more sense now. I have had a gastroscopy but they didn't find anything significant. When I've tried to ask to see a specialist the GPs have told me the specialists won't be able to do anything other than prescribing medication. I'm now on Pantoprazole 40mg twice a day because the Lansoprazole wasn't controlling the reflux. I am also emetophobic and it seems so cruel and unfair that our bodies do this to us, making us face our fears so many times a day. I find it tends to be worse in the afternoon and evening.

The normal medical advice is stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks and lose some weight. But I'm not overweight and I don't smoke or drink. I only drink water and on occasion milk oe apple juice.

Rls, have you tried modifying your diet? I find eating small meals and avoiding hot liquids, garlic, raw onion, spicy food, chocolate and sweets can help. Also I try to avoid eating for a few hours before bed. Sometimes ginger biscuits can help. If I think about food on an empty stomach I feel the acid jumping. I find cold food easier than hot food too. Try to reassure yourself that it's harmless and it's just a feeling. I know it's really hard to. I feel food rushing up my throat and feel like I can't swallow and panic a lot. Also I've found recently that if the air is too dry when I'm asleep I sleep with my mouth open which dries out my throat and makes it harder to swallow so try putting a damp towel on the radiator when you go to bed.

03-02-13, 22:35
Ive had problems like you too. Ive been on omeprazole 40mg twice a day. I also get a hot lava feeling inside my tummy like the food I eat is just sitting there burning away.

Another thing do you eat chicken? Because I am thinking maybe you should get tested for helicon bacter its a bug that is casued by some chicken that can cause symptoms like you have described.

But also if you have the money then it is definitely worth going to the natural helath shop and looking at their prodcuts as they really help a lot too.

04-02-13, 16:49
Thanks for the replies.

I had a blood and stool test a few weeks ago to test for anemia and H.Pylori infection. I will know the test results this Thursday. I'll let you guys know what they find if you're interested?

06-06-13, 02:44
RlS1994 I have a 14 year old with the exact same symptoms and has had them for going on ten months now, I'd really like to know if you have found something that has helped. She's had every test ,they took out her gallbladder which was swollen and infected , she was fine a couple weeks after then it started up again . We are now waiting to go to the children's hospital in Chicago

10-06-13, 02:22
Hiya Cck.

Sorry to hear about your daughter that is experiencing these horrible symptoms also.

I recently saw a specialist at the hospital and they said I may have a hiatus hernia. Other than that, I have no idea what it is either. If I do find out anything else, then I'll be sure to contact you. :)

19-06-13, 09:18
Hi, understand how you feel. I'm 35, I started having panic attacks again about a month ago and now i have bad problems with my digestive system...it's possible the two are related? Anyway i am struggling with eating food (lost 8lb in 2 weeks) it goes down ok, but then i'm left feeling very bloated with pain in my upper abdomin and across my back. It feels like every thing inside is squashed up and i can't breathe properly. I also get a random sharp pain on my left side in in my back every now and then and sometimes heart burn. First i thought it was my pancreas, then stomach cancer and now esophageal cancer (My dad died of this two years ago) i heard on the radio on the way to work this morning that heartburn can sometimes be a sign! I think they should ban warnings like that, i should imagine that there will now be a massive influx of Health Anxiety suffers rushing to the doctors as we speak! Anyway i have an endoscopy on Monday and of course the first thing my eyes were drawn to in the letter were all of the "Possible complications and side effects" so i am a little nervous about that and also what they are going to tell me. Good luck with your test results i hope they come back all fine, let me know how you get on and i'll let you know how my endoscopy goes! x