View Full Version : Someone help me please now!

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 00:38
Help me don't know what's going on I keep getting like a cramp in my leg and hand and face feels like the muscle is dropping on one side but it isn't. I
Hot and sweating and feel like something bad is going to happen to me my whole body feels strange. Feel like my tongue is swelling but it isn't ..

Is this anxiety I dont know what to do am I having a stroke?

24-12-12, 00:48
Lucy, I hope you can try and use some methods available on the left to help you ease you through this. It seems like it is anxiety as you seem to worry about strokes in your other posts.

If you can speak to an A&E dept., NHS Direct, Emergency GP or even 999.
Sorry this is just a quick reply for you to help you get through what you are feeling x

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 01:05
Thank you. I'm calming down a bit layed down and started to breath deep. Just so over worked and tired can anxiety cause muscle spams muscle tightness and stuff

24-12-12, 01:20
Anxiety can definitly cause the spasm etc its from being tense, I don't think you are having a stroke but if you still feel rubbish call nhs direct explain your feeling explain you have anxiety they are so helpful and its nice to have that bit of reasurance when you need it most. Hope you are a little better now :) xxxx

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 01:29
I must it down to anxiety.. I still feel the strage muscle tightness all over but I came over hot and dizzy and my heart started pounding.. Sinse then I am trembling so much my hands and shaking and my legs and hot.. Anxiety attack? I've had small adrenaline over loads but usually push it off..

24-12-12, 01:41
I've had all of that before its a horrible feeling try and distract your mind from it that's what I usually do. And when I say usually I mean try and do! Lol xxxx

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 01:45
Hae you ever experienced heart palpitations I feel I just had one and my limbs feel odd/ hot and weak on the inside .. Thanks for the replies guys in so sated by trying to avoid a&e again!

24-12-12, 01:48
Really try not to think about it I know if hard hun play a game on the comp or phone try anything to keep your mind of of it. I have had the palpitations and the weakness and feeling hot all over. Or just call nhs direct, like I said before they are very good :) xx

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 01:54
Also my arms feel alien to me now that sounds strange I know but Incan control them fine they just feel like they arent mine.. Sounds crazy I know

---------- Post added at 01:54 ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 ----------

If I was alone I would ring them but my boyfriend gets angry with me about it and thinks I'm being stupid 'there is nothing wrong with me' :-(

24-12-12, 01:58
I know exactly how you feel with the whole bf thing! Me and my boyfriend have that same convo almost daily! Lol everything you are describing I have felt at some point, I have even felt as though my head didn't belong to me :s hard to explain but it didn't feel connected to me if that makes sense! Xxxx

Also if I don't reply I have fallen asleep! Lol xxxx

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 02:01
Yes! That is exactly how I feel with my arms and my legs are tingling.. I have felt anxious all evening so it's probably just the result of all that and this is probably from the slight attack I just had.

It's hard isn't it I know he loves me and he is supportive to an extent but when I wish he would just help he struggles to understand.. But then I can see why some of the stuff does sound mad :-( x

24-12-12, 04:01
Hi Lu...yes! i can't relate to the cramp BUT i can relate to the feeling in your face where it feels like it is dropping....almost like ur face feels swollen on one side...but isnt....i get that every single day or atleast 5 or 6 times a week....it is all down to anxiety, so u can just relax...if you were having a stroke i can assure you you wouldn't be able to type...think properly, speak properly and you would literally feel like your dying...NOT ANXIETY DYING like we all feel but truley dying...you also wouldnt be able to panic during a stroke....you go numb :) hope i helped.

24-12-12, 07:04
Just wondering if these strange feelings you are having are because of Hyperventilation. Try to just breathe normally and relax. (difficult I know) but try to lie down with some soothing music in the background and try to empty your mind..think of waterfalls, trees in the wind, a calm sea..etc
Over anxiety will affect how you are breathing which then just brings on its own strange feelings to your body.
Take care....xx

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 10:21
Thank you guys all of you, you made me feel a lot more normal things like ms were rolling around in my head which was only fueling my
Anxiety more..

I've never experienced these symptoms before.. Not all at once anyway. I exhausted ATM so maybe that influenced it..

When I fell asleep I kept waking during the night but when I did I was fine so obviously the relaxation of sleep helped..

If it was anything bad it wouldn't have give when I slept would it? X x so happy people are so supportive

---------- Post added at 10:21 ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 ----------

However Anxiety did interrupt my dreams. I dreamt that the MRI I had 3 moths ago was rushed and false do I got pulled into hospital with heart failure and was sitting round unable to breathe waiting for another MRI.. How horrible

24-12-12, 11:26
If you are low on some vitamins it can cause cramping.
Over breathing or Hyperventaling can cause your muscles to cramp up or feel like they are being squeezed.

Anxious lu
24-12-12, 11:33
Yes I did think vitamin deficiancy because the muscle spasms and twitches all started when I moved into a student house.. I usually eat well but it's hard as I live miles from a supermarket.. I usually take vitamin supplements but have run out so maybe anxiety is just highlighting the deficiency due to stressed muscles.

Really brilliant replies thank you x

24-12-12, 12:21
Hello Lucy:hugs:

Have you checked out http://www.aboutbfs.com/forums/ and read any of the forum chat I think it would really help you with the twitching and may explain a lot of what is happening.

And yes your a student and yes you will eat crap and drink some stange drinks (yum yum snakebite):winks:

My lower lip is in a contant state of feeling numb/as if it does not belong to me..cause tension in the jaw has tired the muscle out that what I think and is what I have seen on the net.

Try to relax all of what you are feeling could be coming from your muscles being always in a state or alertness and they are just getting over tired try to relax and enjoy your life.

Have alook at this product I have only had it for a few days but I'm finding very good at relaxing my body and mind,,Yantra Acupressure Self-Treatment Kit just google it