View Full Version : for those worrying about coping at christmas

24-12-12, 12:00
im not sure which subject to post this under or what title to give it...
this may be a bit muddled so please bare with me.
i wanted to post for all of you who are especially worrying over christams day...
we had our christmas day yesterday as it was the only day all my kids/partners could make it together.
seemed a brilliant idea... 12 for dinner full christmas dinner with all the trimmings, one dog and one baby and not forgetting grandma, presents the lot..
and in the evening i invited my family anouther 10 people for supper and drinks...
oh and not forgetting 3 extra people staying for 2 nights...none of this does my anxiety let me enjoy or do this is a first really.
hmmm well ... ive done it :D
and i enjoyed it ...NO PANIC :yesyes:
very tired but you CAN do it too i promise...
i have had the worst blip these last 10 days (nothing to do with my plans for xmas day) and whilst im here i thank everybody that has helped me through this , i honestly thought i was never going to come out of it and to be honest it has not compleatly lifted yet which is why i thought it was important to share this.
i had no expectations of the day ... i just thought lets get through it, not had much time to prepare as work long hours...
try to remember its ok to feel nervous/anx/sad/happy ...just let each emotion happen but not over take the day.
i let little things make me smile and the sheer pleasure on my kids and grandsons face just made it all worth it.
of coarse after a day like that im a little emtional today but we know it goes like that.
please please make the most of your day ...it is only one day of the year, you will get through it.
am happy to chat to anyone struggling just pm me.
many msny thanks to everyone here for all the help i couldnt have done this with out you.

24-12-12, 12:12
Well done for coping so well! :yesyes:

I'm really looking forward to Christmas Day (but then again it's not me who has to do all the cooking etc!)

24-12-12, 12:24
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Blue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-12-12, 12:57
well done bluesparkle i love your success story. Letting emotions etc unfold & flow is just so good. sounds like you have really done well & if others can take a leaf out of your book then they too can experience something special. i'm not surprised you are emotional today since it does highlight stuff but i'm so pleased for you.

24-12-12, 14:15
That is amazing cooking for so many people, I wouldn't know where to start and would get very confused.

I don't have any expectations for Christmas day either, perhaps I will enjoy it after all.

A very Merry Christmas to you.x