View Full Version : "Constant hunger Pains"/deep stomach ache, worsened, lots of wind/air/indigestion??

24-12-12, 13:52
Hi all,

I've not been here in a while, but this thing I've got at the moment is really bothering me and I wondered if anyone here has had similar (and may know what it is) I have had excess wind for about a month now, but about two weeks ago I kept feeling my stomach was feeling funny. My eating's not a problem (though I possibly get full a little quicker) in fact I've been eating more frequently, as it became more intense and like an aching, gnawing pain when you're REALLY hungry. I did just get it more in the mornings, but it's got worse over the last couple weeks. And last night I could barely sleep for the feeling of wind in the middle of my stomach, nausea and painful stomach. It's like a deep ache.
I went the docs this morning (typically forgot to mention the indigestion!) but she felt my stomach and gave me some medicine to relieve indigestion. She said it could be a bit of a bug, but I don't get how it's worsened so gradually.. anyone got any clues on this one?

P.s I tried taking 20mg omeprazole the last two days but it didn't seem to do anything

Many thanks,

24-12-12, 20:50
Try Charcoal Tablets from your Chemist. They are excellant for wind, heartburn, acid etc. Omeprazole normally take awhile to work although this can vary from person to person. Ironically, one of the side effects with Omeprazole can be excess wind.

24-12-12, 20:57
Could be excess stomach acid, I was recently prescribed Lansoprazole, although that may be very similar to what you've been given.

24-12-12, 22:09
Hi i have the same symptoms my doctor was hopeless been to see her twice now hope you get better

25-12-12, 11:03
Hi I have had this for some months too.My doc thinks it might be an ulcer so I'm going for an endocoppy IN MARCH! Anyway I think it is irratble bowel & Anxiety with me, but this last week it seems to be better. I will give you more information in the week.
Have a great Christmas

26-12-12, 00:54
Hi Violet.

I've EXACTLY the same thing. Doc thinks it's something
to do with IBS. Not so sure myself but a very uncomfortable
feeling indeed.

I've been trying to eat and drink bland stuff incase it's a
symptom of a sensitive digestion system.

Not sure if that helps?

26-12-12, 01:34
Take probiotics! They help with anxiety and depression too.
They help keep your tummy healthy, if there's not enough good bacteria then the bad ones take over.
You can get them in many yogurts, as well as in tablet form and sometimes added to multivitamins.

I would keep a food and drink diary in case it's something your eating.
Hope you figure out the cause or at least get better :)

26-12-12, 14:14
I have the same at the moment - actually had it for 3 weeks now. Feels like a knot in my tummy - and sometimes I get the sensation of a lump in my throat ( globus) So I am quietly panicking. I get bad heartburn too that nothing will shift.....

29-12-12, 14:33
i get something similar too , plus a bubbling feeling under ribs on my left side , gonna try probiotics and see if that helps .....

03-06-22, 08:27
Did you ever find out what this was only I am suffering with the same thing now for around 3 weeks xx