View Full Version : Head pain when coughing

24-12-12, 15:07
My husband has had flu and chest infection past week and although much improved compared to how he was ( his flu symptoms have gone) he has the worst cough I have ever heard. He is on his last day of antibiotics today.

I know coughs can last for ages after flu illness and I also know that if you cough alot it can feel like your forehead is lifiting off every time you cough, Ihave had this myself in the past but usually it passes after a day or so but he has had this for quite a few days. He is coughing alot and its a very nasty cough as well ( sounds like smokes 100 fags a day when he as never ever).

Stupid me has suddenly started worrying that the pain in his head is not the normal one you get with excess coughing but a sign of an about to burst blood vessel.

Someone on here must have experienced the cough head or/and know if my fears are real or silly. Please

24-12-12, 19:05
I think with any symptom you have to look at the conditions you already have, before considering more outlandish reasons.

Your husband has been left with a cough, so it's likely the head pain is related.

As always best to consult GP if really worried.