View Full Version : Different symptoms for different stress levels???

24-12-12, 19:10
Does anyone notice that they get different symptoms for different levels of stress? For example, normally I just suffer from headaches, muscle pains etc but since today me and the other half have been doing the family thing for xmas, visiting parents for food etc. So far i'v been a wreck lol! Noticed my pupils in my eyes are different sizes, been shaky as hell and generally on edge the whole time :-(

25-12-12, 05:52
I get light headed when I am in company and can't escape, which doesn't happen when I am at home on my own. I also sometimes hold my breath when someone is talking to me or I am making conversation.
Like yourself I get very shaky, my pupils dilate and I feel as though I may pass out.
When I am within my comfort zone I don't get these symptoms.

25-12-12, 10:21
Yep, i get shakiy, and feel sick. Lightheaded and i just struggle to function.

25-12-12, 14:56
Sometimes the symptoms can trigger off my anxiety.
I don't know I get sooo many symtoms it's hard to tell.
But if I'm very bad, my heart races, I get shaky, breathless, lightheaded, one hand can be hot and the other stone cold, I can feel too warm, my face might flush, my chest may feel too tight, my body weak and shaky, my pupils often get huge too, I guess I look like a deer in the headlights lol.
Oh and dizzyness that one sucks as its a bit disorientating.

It's harder around people as you try to appear calm and you have to focous outside of yourself on conversations and what not which can be very hard.