View Full Version : The Endless Cycle!

24-12-12, 19:44
My IBS and Panic seem to work hand in hand. I have a phobia of vomiting/Gagging, leads leads to panic attacks. I also constantly have bowel/stomach pain from IBS, as I have a pretty bad diet. I was always a a fussy eater growing up, and now in my adult years there is still a range of foods I won't eat. It seems that the foods I like the most cause me the most inner distress!

Obviously, I know its down to IBS but my mind won't listen. My mind thinks, "O god, stomach pains, Im gonna be sick"

I think maybe I've been looking at this the wrong way. I always thought addressing the anxiety and panic attacks would be the thing to do, but Im wondering if looking into my diet and the IBS should be the place to start!

Just wondering if anyone here has the same issues? Or if anyone has suggestions for soothing the stomach/Intestine discomfort caused by IBS?

26-12-12, 23:49
Wow, did you write that or me?! I repeatedly promise myself that I will either do a full detox or go on the BRAT diet for a few days or so - but the maltesers always win lol! So, every day I feel the same.

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. Yep, time to try a new approach.

Yes, I have the same issues as you, but sadly I can't tell you what will help xx

01-01-13, 20:28
I have very similar issues but for me my phobia is less about vomitting more about pain in general- any kind of illness. So when I get stomach pain- from ibs - I get scared it could be something more serious that will lead to very bad pain/illness.
Hmmm it's an interesting one.....For me, I went on a diet to ease the IBS, got fairly obsessional about it but was still in pain. I started introducing foods again and now I eat pretty much what I want. For me it's less about the food, more about the stress. If I get anxious IBS will flare up. So I don't know, maybe improving your diet will help your IBS then you'll get less stomach pain then you'll feel less anxious thus you'll get less stomach pain.
But for me it didn't really work, I believe, unfortunatley no matter how perfect your diet is, if you're anxious IBS will show itself.
So yes, improve your diet it will help your health in all areas however also try some CBT for looking into changing your thought processes of 'pain=vomiting' so that you can get more into the habit of your brain thinking 'pain=part of being human not necessarily going to lead to vomitting'
I hope that makes sense I feel a bit rambling lol
In terms of practical measures when you're IBS is playing up some things you might find helpful:
1)heat in the form of hot bath or bottle
2) ginger /peppermint /fennel /chamomile tea
3)buscopan- an antispasmodic drug that I get on prescription and I find helps lots with that horrible crampy type tum pain