View Full Version : scared possible gallstones

24-12-12, 23:04
Hi, so for about the past 3 weeks ive been having bad pain in my abdoman on the right side and have been getting chest/rib/shoulder blade pain accompanying it. It generally comes and goes but it has been constant for almost 24 hours. Does it sound like gallbladder problems my mum thought it might be because my aunty has had them before. Im so worried that its gonna kill me or something also my stomach is really tender on the right side and i feel bloated im also worried it my be appendicites however the pain has been steady and not increased. I cannot get to the doctor until either boxing day or the day after at my local out of hours centre i dont want to go to A&E but im so scared my anxiety is making the situation 10,000x worse :(

24-12-12, 23:15
My Dad had gallstones a few months ago. He didn't get any warning of them, he just woke up in a LOT of pain one night after a perfectly normal day. At first he thought it was just bad trapped wind as he was burping a lot, but that didn't relieve the pain, and he then started being violently sick which was when my Mum dialled 111 (who decided after telephone triage to send an ambulance). The pain was so bad that the first dose of morphine the paramedic gave him did nothing at all, and even after a top-up and a drip at the hospital he still couldn't move because of the discomfort.

If you have 111 in your area you could call them for advice maybe?

25-12-12, 11:26
My gallstone problems did start quite like you say dannibear and my doctor sent me to hospital thinking it was appendicitis. A scan showed that it was gall stones. I don't know your age but gallbladder problems are more common in over 40's. I would ring NHS help line if you are worried.

25-12-12, 14:33
The pain may be worse after eating high fatty foods of its gallstones.
How bad is the pain, how long have you had it for?
It's hard to know what it might be, trapped wind can cause a lot of pain too but it's best to see your doctor or someone who will be able to check it out :)

19-01-13, 19:32
Pain between shoulder blades, breathless relief when stomach emptied, those were my gall bladder symptoms

19-01-13, 20:00
i have had gallbladder problems for years. at first the pain was all across my stomach and shoulders and ribs, i couldnt move and breathing hurt the pain came in spasm and the sickness was horrible. i found sitting up and massaging helped.
i watched for what i ate before the pain and cut it out my diet but since i started on low fat diet i have been fine.
i dont like hospitals and am terrified of having operation so the diet was my only option.