View Full Version : Am I admitting defeat?

24-12-12, 23:23
Am I admitting defeat and being pathetic if I have to take Diazepam to get me through Christmas Day? I haven't taken any (haven't felt the need to) since I started seeing my Herbalist a couple of months ago, and have felt quite proud of that, but between the pressure of Christmas, the anxiety about my parents-in-law visiting after Boxing Day, and this awful cold I've got dragging me down I feel like I'm running out of options and that I'll spend my Christmas in a state of constant panic if I don't do something :weep:

Also though, I'm frightened to take any, in case they don't work this time! I don't know what to do :(

24-12-12, 23:34
Sometimes, it's fine to need that little push :) Maybe take them when you start to feel a little bit panicked and don't take them until then? x

24-12-12, 23:42
Are you being pathetic taking the odd dozy pill to get you through? Nope. I am on Duloxetine, cannot function without it. Whatever works for you Elle. All the best.


25-12-12, 00:53
Absolutely not! Since I have known you on this site, you are the one who has defeated many things. Remember the meal with friends, birthday meal and going for drinks at your friends house not to mention the times you have been shopping etc so please don't think your being defeatist. If you feel that on this occasion you need a little help... use it! And by the way, it will work :) bigs hugs and hope your feeling better soon :hugs: x

25-12-12, 01:38
You are most definitely NOT!! admitting defeat Elle :)

You have done so well and continue to do well.

Now it's time to be kind to yourself hun, if you feel you need one then you go right ahead and take one without feeling bad.

Christmas is one heck of a stressful time on it's own, on top of that, you're trying to recover and now you are feeling under the weather with a cold that's dragging you down.

I totally agree with Baggs, you just do whatever makes you feel better hun. I never ever stick to hard and fast rules because there are no rules.

I'm going for an MRI on Thursday and I can tell you that I most definitely will take Diazepam should I feel that I need it.

Hun look at it this way, if you had a banging headache would you just grin and bare it or would you take a pain killer?? It's exactly the same thing hun, just do what you need to do to help you :D

Sending you hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-12-12, 11:30
Christmas day is so stressful for us..no you are not admitting defeat. I have come to chill in my room for a few minutes and thinking of taking one myself!!

25-12-12, 12:02
Im thinking the same thing right now myself, I dont usually need to take it any more but feeling very anxious here alone today so thinking do I or dont I , just to take that awful fear away.

I dont enjoy Christmas because Im always alone but this year I just feel very anxious so may take one or two to get through it .

Hope you have a great day with or without it Elle

25-12-12, 13:03
Elle take one if you need it, we all need help sometimes, I have been reading your posts since I found this website in September and you have been an inspiraton, I woke this morning with the first really bad headache I have had for weeks so have dosed up on painkillers. xx

25-12-12, 15:24
Yes Elle Take what you have to,anything that can help you:hugs::hugs: