View Full Version : new and really need help

25-12-12, 02:00
i dont know where to turn. i have had this headache for 3 weeks know. had a very bad headache that lasted like 3 seconds, it was like being punched in the head. i went to the ER and a ct scan was done and showed up normal. was sent home. went to my doc 2 times and he will not run more tests, says its stress. since that 1st headache i now feel a pressing pressure on top of my head. it feels like someones thumb pressing. it comes and goes. in the mornings i am fine. later in the day it gets bad. more annoying than painful. i am just worried about it. could this be serious or is my anxiety taking over me? please help.

25-12-12, 02:12
Hi chicagoradi

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-12-12, 02:21
Hello :)

I know you're worried hun, but if your doctor doesn't think there needs to be any further investigations I would very much doubt it being anything of a serious nature :)

Headaches and pains in your head can come from a multitude of reasons, most of which are not serious :)

If you feel a pressure type pain, that sounds like it could well be a tension type headache, they're normally caused when we tense our muscles in our neck, we don't often know that we're doing it. Next time it happens, try and concentrate on whether you're relaxed or tense, especially in your neck area. If you've got a heat pad I find them great for relaxing the neck, think it's the warmth.

Probably the reason it get's worse as the day goes on is because you're getting tired and anxious. The trouble is we then get ourselves in a vicious circle, the more anxious we get the more likely we are to get a headache.

I hope this helps hun :) :hugs:

25-12-12, 02:31
thank you for your reply. of course kind words always help. i just get caught up in my anxiety. i am kind of glad i found this site. more people like you can definitely help. God bless you and thanks again!:)

25-12-12, 02:47
You're very welcome :)

You've found the right place, you will get loads of support and understanding from everyone here at NMP :D

I wish you all the best :)