View Full Version : Help please - I'm in a bit of a state

25-12-12, 08:32
I woke up with a jolt just before seven because I could not breathe. After some coughing and spluttering I managed to gasp some air into my lungs, but could not get into a normal breathing pattern which started a panic. I got so bad at breathing I asked my daughter to ring an ambulance, something I've not done before. Well, ambulance car arrived quickly and obs were taken - all normal.

I can't finish this post, I feel so tired, can't sleep because I wake up choking. Can someone chat or pm me? I'm really in a bad way.

25-12-12, 08:42
I'm in the chatroom right now, will be happy to talk. All the best.


25-12-12, 09:59
Hi dreamer how are you feeling? Just wondering do you celebrate Christmas because maybe ( if u do ) it's all the fuss leading up to today that's got to you??? Is your daughter ok, must have worried her too. I've woken with a sudden jolt or started to nod off and then feel like I've had a missed breath ~ it's very scary! Just want to reassure you this will pass. Because you've had an eventful morning , I think your breathing being funny is because whats just happend to u and it's seriously on your mind at the minute! You tube tapping exercises are great, have you got any scented candles or relaxing music to take your mind off your breathing??? If you take your mind off it, before you know it - you'll feel better in no time:winks: