View Full Version : christmas day - lets help each other!

25-12-12, 10:24
Happy christmas everyone! if like me youre not really into it and are struggling then i feel for you all, i will struggle today. But i'm thinking that i am going to cure it soon and i'm going to try and keep myself distracted all day, dinner will be the biggest struggle for me. a plate piled high that i just wont be able to eat.

Im going to log on later so lets help each other out!


25-12-12, 10:36
Ahh that's what I've just threaded about, it's soo sad! But hope today goes well 4 you too. X

25-12-12, 10:44
Hi i feel i am in the same place as you like many others lets hope get though the day best as we can and hope you will ok today :yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

25-12-12, 10:49
Yep, me too - just managed to get out of bed at least so there's one thing! Dreading the dinner bit too - haven't eaten anything for a couple of days. Fingers crossed for you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-12, 10:51
Same here, least there's more distraction from how I feel today.
Love and hugs to all
Merry Christmas

25-12-12, 13:57
Who's managed to get through dinner?havent had mine yet...hope the day is ok for all so far....
Im looking for distractions..reading my new book at the moment and telling myself its all going to be ok!its just anxiety!!
Good luck fellow sufferers...i think i need a wine!

25-12-12, 14:16
Hi Sarah,

Great idea for a thread! Think lot of people will be struggling today. People just started arriving at mine and dinner in a couple of hours so nerves well and truly kicking in.

Hope everyone's doing ok, few more hours and the day will be over (meant that in the most festive way possible!):D

25-12-12, 14:21
Good luck x that is daunting

25-12-12, 14:30
I've just had my Xmas dinner. It was so nice but now my stomach feels like its going to explode! I'm now laying on the sofa in the lounge watching top of the pops. :) It's just me and my parents here today so its nice and relaxed.

25-12-12, 14:32
Yes my dinner is being cooked now...as soon as that is over i think ill be able to relax a little. Presents soon!keep strong everyone!hugs...sarahx

25-12-12, 14:39
I have had my dinner an have to say I had less on my plate than our 2 year old guest. I have escaped upstairs for a few more minutes

25-12-12, 15:20
Well done Annie, you got through the dinner, that's great :hugs:

25-12-12, 19:56
Only 2 more guests left, my son and his wife who are leaving tomorrow. I made it through the day! :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

Tomorrow, I want to hibernate :)

25-12-12, 20:00
Well done Annie :hugs: Might hibernate myself tomorrow.

25-12-12, 22:59
Hope we all got through??! i started to relax a little after my glass of wine...bad i know...but it did help...after dinner i was better...now im home and thinking what a nice day, and it makes me angry to think that anxiety almost ruined it.

Hitting the sales tomorrow!
sarah x

25-12-12, 23:15
Overall I had a good day. Nice presents and good food. In late afternoon I suddenly felt really sleepy so I went up to bed for a nap. I'm now listening to my new CDs and reading a book I received as presents.

No wine for me - my family is pretty much teetotal and even if I did drink something my stepdad would only worry about it potentially causing problems with my meds, so I'd rather not.

Tomorrow we'll be spending boxing day round my aunt and uncle's house. I hate shopping so I won't be going to the sales, especially if there would be a lot of crowds and queues everywhere.

25-12-12, 23:22
I'm planning on spending tomorrow morning (at least) in my new pyjamas, in front of the TV to indulge myself after managing to make it through today. I might even have my left over Christmas dinner for breakfast! lol

26-12-12, 00:10
I've had a terrible Christmas day and I feel sad and ashamed about that. I feel I've ruined the day for my family - I never even got to see my grandchildren opening their presents. It all started this morning at 7AM. I got my daughter to phone an ambulance because I could not breathe. I was wheezing and struggling for breath and I am not asthmatic. The paramedic said all my obs were normal - I told him I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, and that I had started a new med 6 weeks ago. After he had been here for about 20 minutes, my breathing had calmed. At 9:30AM, my daughter had to take me to the local hospital because once again I was struggling for breath. It feels like I have thick, sticky mucus stuck to my vocal chords and it is blocking my airway, so until I can cough it up, I'm choking and suffocating. Recently I have begun to wake up several times a night like this and it scares me - I feel like I am going to die. I just don't know what to do anymore and I am scared to go to sleep. .....so that's how Christmas was for me.

26-12-12, 01:37
Sorry to hear that, dreamer, sounds like you had a nightmare of a day. Anxiety is certainly very scary, I thought i was dying too at first, but no-one has died of anxiety. Just try to breath in slowly and blow it out, like your blowing the feelings away. it works for me sometimes. Sorry I cant be of anymore help, but i would advise you to see your GP asap and explain everything. There are pills that can help. wishing you a better boxing day and new year.

26-12-12, 15:07
Dreamer, Hope you are feeling better, What an ordeal:hugs::hugs:

26-12-12, 15:28
I've just had my Xmas dinner. It was so nice but now my stomach feels like its going to explode! I'm now laying on the sofa in the lounge watching top of the pops. :) It's just me and my parents here today so its nice and relaxed.
I ate waaaay tooo much. had acid reflux all night. totally 100% self-inflicted. always wonder why I do it....doh. at least I enjoyed what i ate even if it did that to me.
at least I got thro xmas day; didnt freak about anything & was a happy bunny & made my partner's family laugh at times (even at one point i was the centre of attention & they were all taking the mick - but i really didnt mind - it was cool to be making people laugh & not a sign of bullying or teasing in sight. all good honest fun). oh and we got nice pressies too even if many are edible & will contribute to my ever expanding waistline. if the food kills me off at least i'll die happy (sorry, that IS meant to be a joke).
oh & i have a cracking headache today; that'll be a food hangover then.... (not a drop of alcohol in sight).
oh yes also i allowed people to hug/kiss me... & didnt let on that i'm not that keen on it.... but the more i do it the better it gets.

26-12-12, 21:44
For me, Boxing Day has been more of a challenge than Christmas Day. I spent yesterday at home with my parents so there was just the 3 of us. We spent today round my aunt and uncle's house and there were 8 of us. We were there from mid-day until 8.30pm so it was a really long day. I took a couple of books with me to keep me occupied (I don't usually like what they watch on TV). We had a buffet lunch and I enjoyed that. Then I went to the lounge to read my book, and the rest of the family were in there too.

At around 5pm I suddenly got this feeling that I wanted to burst into tears. I hid behind my book so that the rest of the family couldn't see my face! I was scared that someone would see me crying and I didn't want to spoil the day! :weep: I didn't cry properly though, it was just my eyes welling up and a couple of tears. I think my sadness might have been triggered by the news - they had the ITV News on in the lounge at that time and all of the stories were about subjects which I find upsetting or annoying! If I was at home I would've just switched channel or left the room, but as I was round someone else's house I couldn't do that. I was trying to think which news story triggered me the most, and I think it might have been the story about the soldiers having to spend Christmas in Afghanistan away from their families. It made me feel upset and angry whenever I thought about it, so I carried on reading my book to put it out of my mind. Thankfully the bad feeling passed after a few minutes. After the news had finished we watched a recorded episode of You've Been Framed, which was funny and helped cheer me up. The strange thing was that about an hour later, they watched the BBC News (goodness knows why, as most of the stories were the same), and I didn't feel sad that time. When I'm in one of these low moods, it's as if my mind will look for anything to make me cry, if you know what I mean.

By about 8pm I started to feel fed up, so I was glad when my parents said we would be going home soon. Overall I enjoyed the day though. :)