View Full Version : Irregular heart beat

Anxious lu
25-12-12, 11:17
I am really really really worried!! My pulse is slightly irregular I can't stop checking it and my breath feels heavy.. I get palpitations sometimes tooDd never had problems with my heart before though. Three months ago I had an MRI and the doctor made a point of telling me that my circulatory system was good but that was three months ago I am scared by this andcant stop thinking about it..

25-12-12, 13:25
I've experienced this a lot... first 4 years ago, and I'm still here! ;-) Anxiety can cause these irregular beats, I've had them recently, as I've been very stressed / anxious. Try to think about them less... distract yourself with other things. :-)

25-12-12, 13:51
Slightly irregular that could mean anything mabye when you are checking your pulse you pressure that you are applying with your fingers is not constant, This does happen a slight change in pressure when checking will make it feel like you have skipped beats BUT you Don't. It is an art checking your pulse properly.
Also the beginning of a cold or womens funny time of the month can cause a slight change.

You are looking for it to be irregular and then maybe like me and others you will find your answers to what is happening to you. A slightly irregular pulse anyway is nothing to worry about to much alot of people's pulse's are slightly irregular anyway.

You have alot on at the moment you have just changed student lodging, Comeback from holiday and are having christmas and that onto of your studies is stressfull enough for anyone.

You have alot on your mind and for someone so young for a good part of your life you have carried the weight of the world on your shoulders for so long.

I will kick your butt young lady.:wacko:

Anxious lu
25-12-12, 22:35
Thank you guys I really it distressed earlier I felt like it was makin me weak and I started crying but as soon as I started dinner with my sister the distraction must have helped as it subsided.