View Full Version : Right side of neck and shoulder is swollen - please help me! :(

25-12-12, 12:45
Lately, the back of my neck and shoulder on the right side has gotten swollen. Could this be from anxiety, sinus' or fibromyalgia at all? It goes up and it gives me a bad headache on the same side of my head and I'm really worried something bad is happening in my body. :(

EDIT: I was trying to relax in bed as well and I got a sharp pain in my throat on the left side. I'm checking my throat and there seems like a small bump, my thyroid? It feels like a small throb and idk what to do. :(

25-12-12, 15:26
One side of my neck feels bigger, or the muscles ligament that runs down the side and towards the front feels harder or tense.

I do wonder is that what they mean by a knot in your muscles?

I've lots of bumps in lumps and lymph nodes all over my neck.
I worry about then too and they aren't even on either side.
I don't know if it's normal or not!
I'd love to have someone to compare mine too but would feel so silly to ask ha ha.

I wouldn't worry too much about one small bump, my tyroid is slightly bigger on one side.
But the blood tests came back normal.
I've soft bumps and a tiny hard one near my tyroid.

All your muscles from your head and neck are connected.
So if any are tense they can create headaches.
I can get temple pain, jaw,neck,shoulder,arm pain all on the same side.

I can get this sharp pain, it can run from my right ear, down my neck and into my chest.
I'm hoping its just a nerve pain of some sort.
To me I think nerve pain tends to be sharp, shooting and can sorta travel :)

If you've sinuses issues maybe you've a swollen lymph node, they swell because they are working on cleaning any infections, they can sometimes be tender or sore.

Do you have fibromyalgia too? I don't know too much but that it can cause a wide range of symptoms .

I guess if you're still getting a good amount of pain or when you're next at the doctors get him to check out the bump.
But I did hear lymph nodes are reactive to touch so if you touch it it can cause it to stay bigger than normal :)