View Full Version : Heart

26-08-06, 02:01
I know I always post about heart stuff but here’s the full story and I really need advice:
Back in September of 2003 I had my first panic attack, with all of the classic panic symptoms to go with it. My heart would flutter, or skip a beat and then race pretty fast. I cant remember if sometimes it would just flutter or not. After that I had numerous heart tests done because my doctor couldn’t convince me that my heart was okay. I actually had my first 24 hour holter monitor done in the beginning of 2003. Showing nothing abnormal. So after the panic attack I had another holter monitor test done this time for 3 weeks I think. It showed sinus tachycardia(which is a normal fast heart rhythm) and various PVC’s and PAC’s. My doctor assured me nothing was wrong with my heart and she even had me sit down with a cardiologist who said my heart was fine as well. They offered me a beta blocker or a calcium channel blocker but I declined. I have stayed on Zoloft and Klonopin as needed ever since. I also had an ultrasound of my heart to make sure everything was structurally normal. And it was normal but one thing they noted was mild tricuspid valve regurgitation. Not related I guess, because she never brought it up to me, I read it on the copies I requested a year later. Now I have gotten these episodes on and off ever since then. Now it just seems to skip or flutter, not so much racing, except for the fact that it scares me and then of course my heart races. Maybe the Zoloft keeps it from racing so hard? So this comes and goes and can last for a few weeks and then go away for a few months and whatever. I do think stress plays a role in it as well as how much I focus on it, and how I get myself out of the obsession rut. Sometimes, okay
every time, it happens I wonder “What if something has changed?” “Do I need to get all of those tests done again in order to have peace of mind?” I saw my current doctor last week and she reassured me that I what I was feeling was normal and that she would only be concerned if I passed out or something. She upped my Zoloft to 200 mg and reissued my Klonopin prescription. She said she was not going to perform all of those tests on me, and that she wanted her word to be reassurance enough. And believe me I do too! Any help with this I would greatly appreciate. Similar experiences? Or advice on how to not think about it if thats what I am really supposed to do. Sorry this is so long,
In need,

26-08-06, 10:51

I have always had heart flutter, funny beats for as long as i can remember but the last 5 months they seem to have got really bad, almost everday.
I have found just thinking about them can bring them on. They have pretty much taken over my life, always convincing myself they are something awful so i know how you feel. I do believe the more anxious and worried you are the worse they feel. Many times i have managed to distract myself and they just stop so what does that tell you. I know it isn't easy but when you feel them try to do something that needs a lot of concentration, i read out loud to myself and i've found this helps. Some days when i'me feeling really vulnerable nothing seems to help so i know how hard it is but if you panic it really does make them much worse.
Be strong
Love Rosebud xx

26-08-06, 16:39
hi leah

i also get these missed beats and fluttery feelings iv had them for 7 years now on and off.
iv had the tests done and still think there is somthing wrong but then i think well if there was i would be worse now after 7 years i do think when they start if i panic they just get worse and take longer to stop i was told to drink plenty of water and to suck on an ice cube and splash my face with cold water as this somtimes puts your heart back to how it should beat iv done this and it dose work (not all the time )
i do find it hard to live with and get very panicy over it .

take care