View Full Version : Intention/Essential Tremor?

26-12-12, 02:05
I'm pretty sure this is anxiety related, but I thought I'd post here anyway to see if anyone else has had a similar problem.

I am a 21 year old female. I don't have any major health issues, aside from migraines (they have improved). I do have health anxiety and have had it for years --- unmedicated --- so I am aware that I can be a lot anxious when it comes to symptoms and that I have the occasional MS or ALS scare (mostly MS).

Anyway, a few nights ago I had a dream that I was trying to walk my dog but couldn't clip the leash on her because I just couldn't get my muscles to do what they were supposed to do. Again, this was a dream. However, aside from losing teeth, losing control of my muscles is a HUGE fear of mine; so any hint at it naturally freaks me out a bit.

A couple of days later, I went out to dinner with a friend that I live with and another I haven't seen for awhile. I didn't think I was super anxious, but I know I was a little. I was eating soup, and noticed that my hand (and the spoon) would shake when I brought it to my mouth. When I ate with a fork -- noodles -- it was fine, and when the spoon was less full, it was fine, but when the spoon was filled with soup, it was hopeless.

I've had several dinners since, and have had no issue. No other tremor either. Today, though, I ate Christmas dinner with family. It started up again (a nightmare) and was worse when I thought people were watching me eat. When I had something **securely** on the fork, it was totally fine. When, however, I was trying to balance cabbage salad on it or corn the tremor began again.

However, I just had a bowl of cereal (the whole time very aware of what I was doing) and was fine. There was a bit of a shake when my brother walked over and I panicked I would shake and he would notice, but once he left I was once again fine.

I KNOW anxiety is capable of amazing things, but does this sound strictly anxiety based? I've googled it (I know that's bad) and have read it was a symptom of other things that can be *increased* by anxiety, but never that anxiety can be the sole cause. I've had tremors before - more of a resting tremor - and have seen a doc only to be told it was nothing to worry about. I was probably about 16 then. I think my doc knows I have anxiety issues but have never been officially diagnosed or treated. I was just wondering if it were possible that I am stressing myself out to the point that I can briefly have a problem, but it can go away in more calm situations. Also - if anyone has any tips for de-stressing myself (if that's the issue) that would be great. I'd hate to have to stop eating with friends/family!

Thanks. And Merry Christmas!