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richard sharp
26-08-06, 07:05
i half woke up from a dream and it seemed as if my heart was going so fast i couldnt count it. i checked my pulse and it seemed normal and the feeling went but it left me in a state of panic. i have had this happen before and wondered if any of you have had a similar experience.

26-08-06, 09:36

i have had this, once it actually felt as if my chest was really shaking inside, it was scary at the time and took me ages to go back to sleep.

take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

26-08-06, 09:42
I had this on Wednesday night and it really scared me!

Apparantly just another of those anxiety things

Try not to worry(wish i could take my own advice!)lol

Hunny x

Granny Primark
26-08-07, 20:14
Yes this has happened to me many times.
Then afterwards ive been afraid to go back to sleep.
Coincidently my friend told me today that her husband woke up last night with the same feelings and made her stay up with him until he fell asleep as he was so scared he was going to die.
Because she knows of my panic attacks and the feelings ive experienced she was able to reassure him that it was just a panic attack.
Just a panic attack! But for those who experience them they are very very scary and very real.

Take care

26-08-07, 21:31
Hi there,

This happens to me often, I wake up after a dream with the heart pounding like mad also if I was sleeping and the phone rings it makes it go haywire also.

Take care,

Shaz x