View Full Version : Christmas....

oh no_1
26-12-12, 17:07
Update as havent been on here in ages.

How was xmas for everyone?
did finally get everything wrapped etc, normally so so so so organised but finally finished wrapping mornign of xmas eve. was okay day, was hard later on and was in a state but tried.

im still on and off but trying trying trying my best.
this no sleep thing doing my head in to the max.

got few things to look foreard to though..... out for day 2morro, seeing my friends new baby before new year, and driving to sheffield to see cat and give her xmas prezzies to her and have a catch up, spending new year sleeping at my friends and the whole day and night. (hang over who knows? sleep who knows but hopefully)

then leeds meet to look forward to whether i am back at work or not.

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

Wishing everyone the best for 2013! I am hoping and wishing it is a better year for all of us!!!!!!!!!! I really really really do.

26-12-12, 20:53
Sounds like you are doing really well. EJ

oh no_1
27-12-12, 06:20
im not, no where near back at work, but need to try and go back on the 7th.... and in all that week too! n only normally work 2 days.

27-12-12, 08:17
Good luck with all your plans.xxxx

27-12-12, 12:05
Good luck for the 7th for work... It's horrible to go back if you don't feel ready (I'm in similar situation) how long have you been off work for?

oh no_1
28-12-12, 01:48
um 5 weeks but will be 7 n half by time i go back as it xmas hols now.