View Full Version : what is your worst symptom?

26-12-12, 18:26
What is your worst symptom of anxiety and how often do you experience it for and how long mine is numbness and dizziness and happens everyday and lasts for a long time...

26-12-12, 18:33
Breathless feeling like I can't breath, is very distressing.
They're all pretty nasty symptoms, though, it's hard to choose when theres such a selection.

26-12-12, 18:33
I have two I suffer from every day.

The first being the ever lasting internal shakes. I feel as if there is an earthquake going on inside and sometimes its visible in my hands especially when eating. which brings me to the second on... a terrible feeling of nausea every time I eat. I literally have to force myself to eat while feeling sick and shaking..

26-12-12, 18:34
At the moment hyperventilating, everyday, on and off all day. A constant state of heightened anxiety.

26-12-12, 18:38
Out of all of the terrible symptoms it would have to be the shortness of breath and dizziness, which for me can come on at any time. Most annoying!

26-12-12, 18:42
Same with me it's shortness of breath , dizziness and blurred vision

26-12-12, 18:57
Mine is feeling like I'm going to collapse and die. It's quite scary, and starts off when I feel strange with my heart racing, feeling cold as well as tense around my chest and stomach. I'm having this feeling right now at a Boxing Day gathering. :( Still I've sat down with a glass of water in a quieter room.

26-12-12, 19:15
Nausea, this is the symptom, which stops me doing normal stuff.

26-12-12, 19:35
Horrible symptoms does anyone ever get numb? that can last for days and does anyone ever feel genuinely weak and ill?

26-12-12, 20:42
Tight chest and throat and feeling like I have to take in deep breaths to breath properly are my most frightening ones.
They always start when I am anxious about something already.

26-12-12, 21:33
My worst symptoms are rapid heartbeat and insomnia.

26-12-12, 21:53
That's a difficult one
I don't know how to explain the fear
The feeling of every nerve in my body standing on end and my stomach sinking

27-12-12, 00:26
Constant analysing of my thoughts and images.

It is so tiring..

27-12-12, 00:32
Mental symptoms are worst for me: the constant over-analysing, obsessing, ruminating and paranoia.

By far the worst physical symptom is insomnia, but I take Mirtazapine which helps a lot.

27-12-12, 00:43
Like I can't breathe properly for definite!

27-12-12, 05:45
Chest pains for me. They come on when I don't feel anxious and then I catastrophise that its a heart attack starting which kicks my waves of panic off.

27-12-12, 09:49
my symptom at the moment is getting anxious while i get intimate with my wife...

27-12-12, 20:54
Definately the tightness in my chest and feeling like im not breathing properly

27-12-12, 23:40
The mental torture ie dread and fear of don't even know what but overwhelms me and stops me from enjoying my life and my family

28-12-12, 01:48
Over analysing, catastrophic thinking and paranoia. It's like living in a parallel universe - one where there is Christmas and everyone is happy and jolly and another where I'm thinking it won't be long and everything will fall apart.

28-12-12, 02:02
I would have to say my worst symptoms are the severe shaking I experience. It is horrible. I cant hold anything, my teeth chatter and on the outside to people I appear to be freezing, though I am not at all. The other would be the chest pain and not being able to catch my breath. These two cause my attacks to be even worse.

28-12-12, 22:17
I have two I suffer from every day.

The first being the ever lasting internal shakes. I feel as if there is an earthquake going on inside and sometimes its visible in my hands especially when eating. which brings me to the second on... a terrible feeling of nausea every time I eat. I literally have to force myself to eat while feeling sick and shaking..

I suffer from the first one really bad not the second though.

I have to tense my shoulders to stop my hands from shaking so bad sometimes.

01-01-13, 21:33
all the ubove are frightening mine is the palps they really freak me out!!!!!!!!!!

02-01-13, 07:43
For anybody with shortness of breath i recommend checking out buteyko breathing, it's not easy but it's well worth it!

02-01-13, 11:14
The worst symtom for me is the weird sensations in the head. First the tipsy feeling and like waves of weird sensations that are hard to explain, really gets me down!!

02-01-13, 20:34
Sudden sharp zaps , can be in any body place. When I get them I go weak then get palpitations.

02-01-13, 21:04
Nausea is definitely one of my worst symptoms, since I have emetophobia.

02-01-13, 21:41
Mine is the constant obsessive worries that are very irrational, and analising my thoughts

03-01-13, 14:10
My worst symptom is my unfamiliarity with my surroundings, even my own home. I don't care about the others, this scares me more than anything.

03-01-13, 23:18
I would have to say that mine are the chest pains and the feeling that I'm not able to breathe - even though I'm breathing normally. Lately I've also been experiencing tension across the back of my shoulders and up the back of my neck. All of these make me feel so very uncomfortable and scared and I really have to work hard at not having a full-on panic attack because of them.

04-01-13, 21:03
Definately nausea

29-01-13, 20:11
Some very horrible symptoms people have.. i get most of them and one lately i have been noticing is the internal shaking and i can come over funny like my teeth chatter and it is like im coming down with something... It is horrible :(

29-01-13, 20:27
Nausea and acid reflux are the worst.

It really stresses me out when I feel sick.

29-01-13, 20:45
Has to be feeling of needing the toilet all the time for me, anything else I can deal with!

30-01-13, 01:23
My symptom that I seem to experience most often is chest pains, it's what really brings me down. :(

30-01-13, 06:17
The worst for me is an oversensitivity to my environment - sounds, in particular! Every car driving by and door slamming and person talking sounds like it's so loud my eardrums will burst! Every sound gets jumbled together and it just makes me feel so overwhelmed.

Feeling sick when I eat, too . . . unfortunately I often skip eating altogether because of it.

30-01-13, 06:39
Rapid heart beat (very strong, very fast), hot/cold flushes. Very scary.

30-01-13, 10:06
The feeling of utter despair and fear that I wake up with in the morning. Shaking inside, shallow breathing and terror (but I don't what I'm scared of, other than the fear itself and of never getting better). Even though I know it will get better as the day goes on, it still floors me every morning.

30-01-13, 10:32
Chest tightness for sure, it scares the life out of me every single time - No matter how many times it happens and I don't have a heart attack and die, I still convince myself that it's going to happen this time :(

30-01-13, 12:56
Muscle pain ... I get muscle pain and tension everywhere.

30-01-13, 13:21
The churning stomach, rapid heart beat, shaking, nausea and insomnia for me.

28-02-13, 19:30
I know this is an old thread
but I can see a lot of people have the same as me as there worse symptom the internal shaking its so horrible mine is in my chest and sometimes makes me think I have palpitations when its just the shakes it puts all my nerves on edge and makes little things annoying like for example traveling and the road is bumpy or if someone just brushes me by accident I jump also I'm sure it's affected my Sense of smell as well
Frosty x

05-08-13, 21:03
How do I bring an old thread to life again? The comments here have opened my yes to knowing I am not alone in how I am feeling... My worst symptom is the churning tummy, literally like my stomach dropped out my bum! It can go on all day and only then calms in the evenings but does return upon waking in the morning... I think my panic is caused by catastrophic black and white thinking. I HATE the feelings of despair and hopelessness that my imagination can conjur up... Why doesn't it conjur happy emotions... I want to lead a happy fulfilled life...

05-08-13, 21:37
My least favourites are when the world suddenly seems to speed up and get really loud, and also depression and crying at everything. I think I could get on and deal with the rest if these last two didn't keep getting in the way..

06-08-13, 14:13
I hate the shaking, the blank mind, the forgetfulness and the lack of concentration. When I'm travelling I suddenly start questioning reality; I'll start thinking that what I'm seeing can't possibly be real and I can't really be here. I feel totally detached from everything and the panic starts. It is an absolutely terrifying feeling.

06-08-13, 20:48
I feel totally detached from everything and the panic starts. It is an absolutely terrifying feeling.

This is probably my worst symptom, de-realization. It's recently come back to haunt me, I was training earlier this evening and it just took over me, questioning whether I was real or not.

08-08-13, 16:44
I hate when I am going along fine and then I turn my head and then all the sudden i feel lightheaded. Once that starts its very hard for me to stop the panic from coming. Because I have health anxiety I immedialty think I am going to have a stroke and then all the other symptoms start up. The feeling like you cant breathe or swallow and the heart palpatations.:weep:

08-08-13, 21:39
They are all bad and unwanted, but the breathing issues and I have tics in my neck that will not relax when stressed anxious or startled. Throat clenching is bad too the list is endless. I once met a girl who sufferd with the same anxiety dissorder. Ctd compulsive thoughts dissorder, it was the best match made in heaven once I had a symptom hers felt better knowing and ensuring I was feeling the same and vice verser but unfortunately no longer together. So talking to someone with the same issues is amazing. Im new to this as you can tell. Hello to all