View Full Version : liver scan tomorrow :(

26-12-12, 18:46
hiya i have my liver scan tomorrow and am so nervous about it anyody ever had one ?its an ultrasound ? do they take very long ? xx

26-12-12, 18:49
Hi lashes I had a liver scan in September. It took about 20 mins in total. The experience itself was fine, I let the sonographer know how nervous I was and she was lovely to me. Are you having one for a particular reason?

26-12-12, 18:50
I had an ultrasound of my galbladder a couple of times as I have a polyp in it. Ultrasounds are fine, she will probably ask you to breathe in a few times and hold your breath for a couple of seconds when she's probing around. It feels fine, kind of cold and tickly!

26-12-12, 18:51
hiya oh 20mins dont sound too bad can you take anybody in with you ?i suppose it different at differnt places. yes well after a couple of blood tests that were routine for when i started antideppresants it kept sayin i had high enyzmes levels? im pretty worried what it could be any ideas ? x

26-12-12, 18:53
I was allowed to take my sister in, but I think it depends where you have it done. High enzymes can happen for very simple reasons so I would not worry too much. Sure you will be fine. :flowers:

26-12-12, 18:55
ohh ive had the same thing! a few months ago my enzymes where high but they went down again. now ive had another routine blood test and they are back up again. in so worried to. I have to go tomorrow and have another blood test to check what its doing now. good luck x

26-12-12, 18:56
i hope so i am more worried about the results the doc mentioned fatty liver so hopefully its something like that xx

26-12-12, 18:58
Fatty liver is common and can be improved by simple changes to diet. Good luck

26-12-12, 19:11
thanks for the replys everyone :) its early in the morning so thats good get it over with lol i have to wait for the results tho !il let you know how i get on hopefully be back tomorrow with some good news x

26-12-12, 20:43
I had my liver scan, which was fatty liver and the scan took around 15 mins.

No pain or nothing to worry about.

27-12-12, 12:52
Hi all had my scan it went fine they said they couldn't see anything no fatty liver so now I'm like what cud this be ! ?so annoying I don't know whether i think its gud or bad they couldn't see anything !x

27-12-12, 13:27
I am glad I have read these posts, I'm off in an hour for my third blood test in two weeks, the enzymes have been high, also she has booked me in for a ultrasound....hope, really hope is nothing bad.

27-12-12, 14:25
Sure you will be fine the scan was literally 5 mins :) xx