View Full Version : New cardiophobe...already acting like a fool

26-12-12, 19:35
Long time HA sufferer but usually can get a handle on it within a week or two of each flare up. Lately, been freaking out about the possibility of having a heart attack.

Saw a news report the other day about how having creases in your earlobes means you have heart disease. Well, guess who's got a nice crease in each each lobe...this guy! I'm convinced that I'll be having a heart attack any day now. Every twinge of pain in my chest or arm and I'm ready to pass out from anxiety!

Now for the past 2-3 days I've become obsessed with checking other people's lobes, both on TV and in person. If this anecdote is true, then there are a lot of people out there ready for a heart attack too. I'd say with my recent trip to the market that close to 50% of the guys I observed middle age and older had the creases. Didn't seem to have much to do with their physical shape as I saw guys who look like they work with them and people who were way overweight without them.

Just trying to make sense of the illogical. Thanks for the vent.

26-12-12, 19:43
I have massive heart health anxiety as well, and the one thing I have learnt is to stay away from health news stories, and the internet. I feel better and then I hear on the news about heart attacks and am back to square one haha, I then get physical symptoms like chest pains etc. You are probably fine, aslong as you stay healthy and don't have risk factors. This lines theory is probably not true or it would be the easiest way of preventing heart attacks. My advice is to enjoy life, and stay away from health in the media.
Good luck

26-12-12, 20:07
Please don't worry about your earlobes meaning you will have a heart attack. There is always going to be silly random things like that in the news. So annoying.
As you said around 50% of men you have seen have it and you know that you are all not going to get a heartattack.
Hope you feel better soon.