View Full Version : Dr refererred me to a pain clinic

anx mum
26-12-12, 20:52
Cos ive been having pain in chest for a while and breathing problems my dr is referring me to a pain clinic does anyone know what happens what sort of tests do they do?

26-12-12, 21:02
I depends what he diagnosed you with??
They help you manage pain through drugs etc

anx mum
26-12-12, 21:10
Do u have any tests cos had ecgs nothing has really shown

26-12-12, 21:16
I have never personally been to one but from what I have heard they more about managing pain than diagnosing it. I wonder why your doc has referred you to one, I would have assumed your chest pain was anxiety, I might be wrong about this :)

26-12-12, 21:26
I don't think they do tests as such. They just find the right drugs to help manage pain.

28-12-12, 14:33
I seen one last month for my Chest pains, They just have a chat with you about what you feel is wrong and then they just do a few simple tests like pressing on your chest and seeing if you feel any pain.

And then they take it from there, I seen my and he refered me to a Pain Psychologist.