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View Full Version : TRYING to clean

26-12-12, 22:02
Does anyone else have a hard time cleaning? I hate getting rid of things or throwing them away. I got new bed stuff for Christmas so I have to find something to do with the old stuff. I'm also having to clean my bed and around it. I obviously have no room for anything as you can tell by the way I use my bed as a shelf. There is NO storage space in my room and I can barely get anyone to throw things away much less take them somewhere to be recycled. I'm also agoraphobic so I can't do it myself. I really really hate wasting things. I get hung up on the fact that I'm throwing away something that is perfectly fine and could benefit someone else. This happens with a lot of stuff. Especially bigger stuff like a table or something. I have a hard time throwing away food too. I don't have food and gross stuff piled up in my room I just get anxious about wasting food. Anything I think I could use later is hard for me to part with as well. I have no room for the 20 billion hobby related things I have either. This stuff isn't even stuff I'm saving for later! It is yarn and needles and projects that are both finished and unfinished and drawing stuff. My room is a wreck just like my life and my hang ups are making it so much worse :scared15: halp

26-12-12, 22:07
Hi, Yes it is a complete trap and it can get you into a lot of trouble if you don't get a grip and sort it all out, it spirals out of control and you go round in circles with it. I would say to you, keep the best and just load the other stuff out into your car and don't look back at any of it, as, chances are, you will find yourself taking it back into your house again.

26-12-12, 22:12
Yes I have a hard time cleaning. I actually got my uncle to come and help me clean/tidy the house for Christmas, I wouldn't have made it by myself. The downstairs is now clean and I am determined to keep it that way. The upstairs is still a mess. I am going to try and tidy a little every day so it doesn't all build up again. I wish you all the best.


27-12-12, 03:44
Hallo Baggs

good luck with upstairs tidying. Take a carrier or
black bin liner upstairs and if theres something you
dont want try and throw it out.



27-12-12, 09:55
Same here. cannot get oranised at all. I thought i had, but not dusted very well,
I have reciepts everywhere, boxes full too, I have just lost the will to do
housework. I take my specs off when i walk into the kitchen cannot bear to look

27-12-12, 10:31
lmao @ take your specs off