View Full Version : Work! What to tell psychiatrist

27-12-12, 11:49
Some of you know from a prev post that I am due to return to work next week after 4 weeks off. Although I can see an improvement in depression it varied with one really "good" (or at least ok) day followed by 2 days of panic despair. Almost like doing too much on the good day exhausts me. My worry is that psych sees me looking better and says "go back to work" ... My question is: How do I tell dr I am not ready?! Incidentally I think my working environment caused the depression (which had been lingering) to come to the fore and work are not overly sympathetic (I do med secretary work in the NHS )

27-12-12, 12:30
Hi Evedawn

Don't beat yourself up regarding good/bad days, whilst your on the road to recovery this will happen and then the good days will outweigh the bad days,overtime :)

Honesty is the best policy as they say, just be honest with your gp/psychiatrist and if you feel you are not well enough to go to work then so be it.

Sometimes whilst your off work and thinking about going back it can trigger emotions and they always say keeping busy is the best thing.

Your employer has a duty of care towards you and whilst you feel they are not overly sympathetic, Im sure they are.

Only you can tell if your ready to go back to work be it now or at a later date.

I hope this has helped a little with your decision.


27-12-12, 12:56
I would suggest that when you do go back to work that you ask your doctor about going back on a phased return.