View Full Version : Sweet memories/memory lane!

27-12-12, 12:08
Hi Everyone,

Sometimes we have sweet memories that we remember, we love to share them. Sometimes we have sad memories. Most of all is the good memories we have. whatever your sweet memory is you can share here:

my twins were only 7 months old at the time. I thought I had it all covered, (you see I heard so many stories about toddlers and their dummy teats. they are really good at hiding them.) I made sure that in the living room the funiture didnt have anything in any way for a dummy teat to go and disappear. well I was buying two dummy teats every night, I stopped when I got to about day 10 (because it took me time to get the door in the right place not to be seen), as they disappeared.

well this one day I left my twins on the floor in the living room. I told them I was going into the kitchen, usually they follow. no, not this time.

I closed the door, but not fully closed I had it opened that my twins would not see me, I watched my twins, they crawled to the electric fire, (this fire had no cable, was only used for show.). the coal effect of the fire, was were my smart little cookies put their dummies teats, they both were checking to see if anyone was looking. then they would both put their dummies underneath the coal effect. Smart little cookies. (when I looked when they were not looking, I removed the coal effect and there was all 20 dummies teats.)

After that I removed the electric fire from the living room.

27-12-12, 16:03
My family were not the kissy huggy type.
One day when I was about 8 years old, I walked home from school at dinner
time. It was snowing heavy and freezing cold. i had to walk about a mile.
My mother was hanging washing up all over the house to get it dry with
the old fashioned racks and coal fires.
When she saw the state I was in she defrosted me, lay me down on a tatty
old fashioned couch gave me something to eat and drink, covered me up with a blanket and told me i was not to go back to school for the afternoon.
I lay there with my eyes closed,she thought I was asleep. and she bent down
and gave me a kiss. I have never forgotten. Just a little memory,so I must
have been loved:)

Granny Primark
29-12-12, 16:14
What lovely memories.:D
Im sure you were loved magic.

Shortly after my mum died I found out I was pregnant.
We wanted a 2nd child for years so you can imagine our delight.
I went in our sons bedroom to give him another kiss before I got into bed.
I thought he was asleep. But when I went to go out the room he shouted me back.
He asked me to give him another 2 kisses one off his beloved nanny and one off the baby in my tummy.

31-12-12, 14:14
This is a great idea for a thread, Yvonne.

A happy memory that I think back on a lot at this time of year is my mom singing at my birthday.

My mom was a great singer and played guitar. She did a lot of folksy stuff. She instilled music in my life and in many others' lives as well. Now that she is gone, I miss hearing her voice. I have a couple recordings I like to listen to of her.

So one of my happiest memories is of the last birthday I had when she was alive. Everyone was happy and sitting outside by a fire and she brought the guitar out and just sang with us. It had been a long time since we had done that. It was the first time my fiance had heard her play guitar too. It is a great memory that I have and makes me smile to think about it. It is so special to me.

28-01-13, 23:52
My daughter charlene is now 19, when she was only 7 months old, she had a blanket that she carried/took everywhere with her. I was fortunate that I had another blanket almost the same color, that I could take her special blanket to get it washed, and give her the other one tempory. I would have to have it washed and dryed before she woke up. I would do the swap at night time when she was fast asleep. just couldn't swap it during the day. she wouldn't let go of it. just so sweet.