View Full Version : exepting i cant seem to do it

27-12-12, 12:22
hi can someone give me advice on how and what to say to myself so i can learn to exept the anxietyas ive struggled so long to exept it but just cant seem to do it i dont know how to as ive been told that once you exept the aniety it gets easyerbut i just dont know how or what to do or say to myself. i know you are suposed to let the thoughts and feeling be there and let them go but i just cant seem to do that id be grateful for any advice thk you

27-12-12, 13:16
Hi Tricia,
I can't give you any advice that you don't already know. The only thing that's worked for me is meds - Duloxetine - which allows me to function relatively normally, I can leave the house whenever I want. I wish you all the best.


27-12-12, 13:21
hi thk you im too scared to take meds because of the side effects especialy the dizzyyness you mighte get and the biggest fear of taking them for me is that they say you can have suicidal thoughts and that scares the life out of me xx pat

27-12-12, 13:28
I would only recommend meds if life was no longer worth living, then you are ready to try anything. Suicidal thoughts are rare but meds can make you feel worse before you feel better. I'm sure that others will reply to your post who can give you better advice than I can. All the best.


27-12-12, 13:33
I would never push anyone into taking medication, but I have found I can't function without it.

I've had CBT and read self-help books which are fine long-term, but short-term, medication can really help.

As for suicidal thoughts, yes that can happen though it's rare. I've been on 9 anti-depressants and related drugs, none-of which gave me suicidal thoughts, even when I was depressed - in fact they took the suicidal thoughts away. Everyone's different of course.

But the info leaflet with any of these drugs tells you to stop taking it straight away if you have any adverse reactions you can't cope with.

Without medication your options for short term help are pretty limited. CBT can help, but it takes a lot of effort and application and can be months before you get an appointment on the NHS.

I wish you well.

27-12-12, 13:36
Hi Tricia

the only bit of advice I could give as far as what helped me accepting this is anxiety is this forum! To be able to share thoughts and feelings with so many people going through the exact same thing as you is a massive reassurance to me.

Ive posted this before but I like to think of it as this is either a forum full of really ill people at deaths door OR its a forum full of people with anxiety! Given many posters have been here for years with this horrible illness tells me we all have anxiety!

I dont know if this will help you accept it more but it certainly has with me. I still get my doubts dont get me wrong and thats when the panic flows but Ive gone from 100% certain my heart was damaged 7 months ago to I would say about 5-10% now. This 5-10% is the little voice at the back of my head when Ive had chest pains for a while. I can usually just brush off the odd twinge now whereas previously that set off a full blown panic. It always says "this might be the time this time, told you something was wrong". Through meds (Fluoxetine) and CBT Im slowly starting to challenge this voice and its getting smaller and smaller.

Hope this helps.