View Full Version : Have you room for another newbie?

27-12-12, 12:25
hi all, i decided to join this forum today to try and get some help with my anxiety. I am currently in receipt of medication and awaiting some cbt which dosent start until january, im on fluoxetine 20mg but was previously on sertraline 50mg. I had my medication changed due to it just not working for me after 4 months of taking it. Its only been 1 week on the fluoxetine but it feels like ive gone back to my 1st day of suffering with the anxiety! im going backwards not forwards!
I started having these dreadful attacks back in september after my husbands grandfather passed away, these began with severe panic attacks which then led to anxiety and then the depression hit me! I didnt want to go down the medication route but had no choice as i just wasnt coping! I was given diazepam 2mg to start me off with as the docs were shut and only the walk in centre was available. They were a great help and i only ended up using 8 of them until i said to myself i needed to help myself! anyway I was doing ok up until a couple of weeks ago and bang i was back to square 1! im not sure if having my cat put to sleep contributed? but i just put it down to the tablets being no good hence the change! I have 3 BEAUTIFUL children and a husband whom i love very much and they should be my focus! but to be honest nothing is a focus to me right now! I sometimes have to really think about what i did the day before! I am a nervous wreck all the time and just wish it would stop! Im even moving back to my hometown after 5yrs of taking my kids away for a better life as i feel it may benefit me to have my family around me?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!xx:)

27-12-12, 12:31

Welcome to the forum. The more the merrier :)

As for fluoxetine, I believe whaat you are experiencing are the side effects of the medication which should reduce soon.

27-12-12, 12:35
Hi emerymcf

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-12-12, 14:02
Hi and welcome!

I can certainly relate to problems when starting fluoxetine. I have health anxiety about my heart with chest pains my main symptom however after just under a week of starting fluoxetine i was having wave after wave of panic even when I didnt have any chest pains (my usual trigger) usually early morning or later at night. It was horrible but Im pleased to say it does pass. Im now on day 32 and feeling much better though still do get the odd wave of panic feeling but it seems to pass much sooner. In fact just one after lunch today that lasted about 5 minutes. Thought about a diazepam but resisted to see how it went and I feel ok now. I wouldnt have been able to control it like this a couple of months ago so it must be the meds kicking in and my growing acceptance that I suffer from anxiety.

So stick with it no matter how hard it feels, most people agree they will make you feel worse before they make you feel better. Giving in isnt a solution im afraid.

All the best