View Full Version : cut my finger!!

27-12-12, 13:29
just cut my finger accidently cutting some ham and it stopped bleeding when i appy pressure and elivate my hand but when i stop this it slowly stats again i cut myself 30 mins ago
freaking out a bit :weep:

27-12-12, 13:33
Not being able to see the cut it is difficult to advise. If it is a deep cut you may need to go to A&E. Otherwise put a plaster or bandage on and apply pressure a bit longer.

27-12-12, 13:41
well it's only about a cm wide and not sure how deep but at the mo there isn't a lot of blood a few drops on my kitchen towel.
my mum is here and she says it's just a liitle cut so think it's ok i suspect in my rational head that i'm overeacting/catastrophizing