View Full Version : No appetite at all..

27-12-12, 15:03
on my 4th week of Fluoxetine now,Have struggled to eat at times in these 4wks but this week appetite gone altogether,Xmas dinner was a waste had 2 mouthfuls,Nothing yesterday and nothing to eat today yet...Anyone else had this? Also i feel sick a lot and tend to panic for no reason.x

27-12-12, 15:18
Hi AbbeyJ, it is my 3rd week on Fluoxetine and can't eat too. I Lost 5kg in 3 weeks. Somedays i am able to have something for dinner but most of days is just banana and smoothies. It looks like lack of appetite is a common side effect.

27-12-12, 15:18
I'm on citalopram, have been for 8 days and whilst the horrible, horrible side effects are starting to finally wear off, my appetite is non-existent and I've lost 8 pounds in a week! I think it's totally normal when you're under stress. I felt so nasty towards my mother not eating Christmas dinner too. I've tried to drink loads of sprite, just to give me energy because the thought of food knocks me sick. I've always had a huge appetite, so it's quite bizzare!

27-12-12, 15:24
Aww sorry to hear that but not so worried now that i know other people have the same issue

27-12-12, 18:49
Yes Abbie,
Am the same no appetite at all, also lost quite a lot of weight xx

02-01-13, 18:47
same here food dosnt intrest me at all ive lost 16lb in 6 weeks

02-01-13, 19:55
Yes food was a problem for me too for about 5 weeks lost a lot of weight, I was advised by the surgery to try and eat something every two hours even if it was only a couple of bites toast but that is really hard when you do not want to put anything in your mouth, tomato soup in a mug was tea many days and like Princess said Bananas slip down, your appetite will come back. My husband plied me with lucozade everytime I turned round there was a bottle, I hate the stuff but it did help. xx

02-01-13, 20:29
I had a big problem with appetite in weeks 1-4 and tried to eat a little at every meal. Bananas were my saviour - easy to eat. My appetite recovered in weeks 4-7 which covered Christmas but I still didn't eat as much as I normally would. Today, end of week 8, I have had a serious panic attack. Luckily, I had already eaten a reasonable lunch, but now I cannot bear to eat or drink anything.

I do have plenty of spare weight, so at least that's not an issue, and thank goodness a Doctors appointment tomorrow morning for a check on my fluoxetine medication.

02-01-13, 20:35
Hi Kayleigh, I had a little blip week 8 -9 had a massive attack after going to bed and had been to sleep for an hour, really was worried at the time but it did not happen again, I was off my food for a couple of days again. Don't worry you will be fine, my doctor said I would have off days and that is perfectly normal. Good to hear how you are doing. xxx

Maddis mum
07-01-13, 01:48
This is me also Abbie. I am day 21 of prozac and have lost my appetite since I started. I usually love to eat. Lately I have been forcing myself even tho it makes me anxious for who knows what reason...... I blend up some spinach, green apple, cucumber, avocado, and berries or banana and honey if you like it sweet. Turn it into a drink for a good dose of vitamins. I can't seem to force a meal down but I can force this down slowly.

07-01-13, 03:06
Been on Cit for a few years but feel awful at the moment, no appetite at all. Your not alone, I find sipping milkshakes, smoothies, eating fruit or a raw carrot is ok. Make sure you drink sips of water and take vitamin supplements. Can you take soup or V8, feel for you xx

07-01-13, 06:51
Hi just had half a smoothie as my stomach was rumbling with lack of food I think, but now feel quite sickly. You can't win xx

21-01-13, 21:56
I've been on Fluoxetine off and on for 10 years, and my appetite always disappears, but after about 2 months it comes back. I also find that if I take it on an empty stomach I get nauseous, so I try to make sure I at least eat some toast first.

21-01-13, 22:04
Vixen, hi, you say you have been on/off fluox for years how long does it take to work for you? im on day 19...seen some improvement but general opinion seems to be it takes longer? x

23-02-13, 17:57
I feel a difference after about a month....once I get to 4 weeks I'm pretty good.

Maddis mum
02-03-13, 00:30
Just to leave a update. I have been on prozac almost 10 weeks now and my appetite is back in full force. I actually cant stop eating now. Any weight i lost at the beginning is surely back now. I had zero appetite so dont fear the initial side effect of no appetite. it comes back.

02-03-13, 01:38
this makes me disappointed. i have GAINED weight since being on fluoxetine. Gained 30 pounds in a year. I was always at 145, never more, never less, for ten years or so. Now 175?! i'm sure it is a combination of my new life that i've started and the fluoxetine. my point is, since starting it, my appetite has grown. and my body anxiety and self hatred developed. but i'm not "dying" during car rides or constantly counting anymore!