View Full Version : panic attacks

26-08-06, 13:26
I've been having panic attacks when i wake up in the mornings. Anyone else have this problem. Because i've just woken up and am not really alert it is very frightening and hard to control. Woke up at 4.30 the other morning with a jump and had missed heart beats and thought iwas having a heart attack, i came out in a cold sweat it was awful. I thought this is it my numbers up. Which obviously it was'nt but i worry about going to sleep now. One more worry to add to the many others. Calmed myself down and went back to sleep but very worried. When we are asleep is it still possible to feel anxious?


26-08-06, 13:54
hi rosebud

my sister used to have morning panics and whilst she was sleeping she would wake in a panic she said it was awfull as it put her off going to sleep, when it happened to her she found having a cuppa and listening to soft music helped her through it, its bad enough having them when your awake let alone when your sleeping, i do hope you find something to help you

best wishes

denise :D

26-08-06, 23:27
Hi Rosebud.
I have been having panic attacks again the last two weeks.I have been waking in the mornings also anxious and having panic attacks.I find I also wake up with stomach cramps and have to go straight to the loo.Your not alone.Im sure we must be anxious in our sleep.
Ellen xx

polly daydream
26-08-06, 23:48
Hi Rosebud, I quite often wake up in a panick and it's always very early in the morning, yes we prob are anxious in our sleep, you are not alone sweet.

Take care,


27-08-06, 10:46
Thanks everyone that makes me feel better that i'me not on my own.
I to find myself having to rush to the toilet, its not very nice.

Love Rosebudxx

Stress head Rach
27-08-06, 13:00
Hi Rosebud, I woke up last night (well 2am) with Palpatations then my heat went crazy ...couldnt breath.... so I went downstairs splashed cold water on my arms...cried "I know this is it I am gonna die" reached for my Rescue remedey and after about 5 mins heart rate came down to normal (72) and then back to sleep. SO SO sososososososo sick of it...... I get them mostly in my sleep ...WHY? Can anyone explain..... I think maybe your mind doesnt switch off properly and adrenaline is released in your sleep which has to work its way through the body. I dont know... just a guess

27-08-06, 13:12
We think that every time don't we. This is it i'me going to die but we are still here. It so awful when its happening though is'nt it and i know next time it happens i will think exactly the same way. I keep telling myself that there will come a time when i am strong enough to say so what i'me not scared anymore. Thats what keeps me going.

Love Rosebud xxx

Stress head Rach
28-08-06, 21:51
LOL... When your not having one you can smile and think "ya daft bugga" but at the time Wow I really do believe this is it! Yeah totaly agree with you there!
I have had a really good day today though,, trying to be postitive!