View Full Version : Anxiety moving house

27-12-12, 16:25
Hi all,
Moving house down the road from moms with hubby and the build up has been
terrible. I've been anxious, depressed and snappy all over Christmas and feel like I've given Mom and hubby real grief :( I want Mum to be okay with te move as we're very close and does a lot with hubby and I (though I know we need our own space). We work together so I see her a lot anyway.

I'm actually excited but seem to be getting myself into a terrible state. I start panicking and at times have felt suicidal. I wouldn't be stupid enough...

I sort of need to know I'm okay and that it'll all be okay. Maybe it's because I'm married now and it feels real...

Can anyone offer me words of comfort?

Merry Christmas all :)

27-12-12, 16:37
I hope I can give you words of comfort, that's my intent anyway. Moving house is one of the most stressful things anyone can do, second only to divorce. Is it normal to get anxious and snappy? yep it sure is. You are at the start of a great adventure and I wish you all the best.


27-12-12, 17:04
I have recently moved house and I will tell you I never want to do it again! it was so bloody stressful I spent most of the time in tears. so please don't worry about how you are feeling its normal!! good luck and all th best x

27-12-12, 19:38
Hi Munki, The others here are all right about it being stressful. I know there is a short-list of things that are most stressful in life & Moving house is one of them. I'm not surprised it's been a terrible time, what with Christmas in the mix too. Even xmas, which is supposed to be a good time, can add to the stress regardless.
I can understand why you'd have a mixture of excitement at the same time as all the stress. Its understandable to want your Mum to be okay with the move but you're right that you need your own space. You're being very thoughtful about it all. Considerate too.
Congratulations on being married too. There's definitely been a lot of change for you - all big things.. I know what you mean about "it feels real..." - sometimes i dont like saying stuff to people because it make it 'real'. I'd apply that to maybe seeing the doctor or even simple day to day stuff sometimes. But you cant get much more real than marriage & new house.
I feel that you are doing the right thing & once you start settling in, you'll start to know you are okay and that it'll all be okay in the long-run.
Hopefully this'll offer you some comfort?
(& there you are amidst all your hassles, still having time to remember to wish everyone a Merry Christmas - that's very kind).
ps: there are some cool user names on here - i like yours

27-12-12, 21:00
I moved in with my man in sept was very excited on the run up but as soon as we moved in i hit rock bottom and could not handle it like you i moved away from my mum my mum was upset as she thought i was living her behind was all alot to take on but there is a light at the end of the tunnle hope you see it soon xxxxxx

27-12-12, 21:20
Did your mom actually say that Grace? My Mom never would, mine is my own fear.
Thanks so much. You make me feel better saying it'll all be okay. A change is good for everyone. Can't live at home forever!!

28-12-12, 18:21
yea she was crying over it and everything made me feel so guilty but to be fair i am seeing thats just my mum as she rang me to tell me i looked fat and frumpy at my uncles funreal