View Full Version : Day 9 on prozac and should i be feeling like this?

27-12-12, 19:34
Hi it is day 9 on prozac and i feel like i got no motivation, numb very tired, drained, dizzy esp when i stand up it feels like everything moving... i feel like i could go 2 sleep but wouldn't relax. I take prozac before bed and it is 7.30 and the last one i had was last night should i be feeling like this during the day/ evening i was like it yesterday but today seems worst has anyone felt like this it is so bad i can't even be bothered to get up? I feel very strange and not with it? could this be my anxiety or is that the pills anyone else feel the day?

27-12-12, 20:19
Sounds like the medication to me. When I was taking prozac I had a spell fairly near the beginning when I felt really tired - then a couple of weeks later I had a spell of insomnia. I wouldn't worry too much - try to stick it out for 6 weeks if you can.

And yeah, Prozac has a very long half-life so you would still feel the effect of the medication a few days after you took it. Most SSRI drugs have a half life of a day, prozac has a half life around 4 times that!

27-12-12, 20:49
Hi:) yes this is medication :/ I feel same. It is my 18th day and I am still extremely tired. I spent all day on the sofa and have no motivation or energy for anything and also I feel dizzy nearly all the time. I hope it will pass soon but I know that I have to wait at least 4 weeks. Take care and don't worry.

27-12-12, 21:16
ohh ok princess and emphyrio ty :) hope we feel better soon