View Full Version : Sorry worrying about my sinuses again

26-08-06, 15:16
Today my sinuses are all blocked again, my right ear and cheek feel full and blocked, I dont have a headache like I usually would but feel heavy & full. Have used my steroid spray today (dr has prescribed it for chronic sinusitis)

The dr diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis 3 weeks ago, have to go back in a week or so to see if steroid spray has helped, it has alot but im anxious today because my dr gave me a leaflet to read and although it said rarely it can lead to meningitis etc... im freaking out esp beacause it says if i childs cheek or eyelid becomes red or swollen get them seen by a dr urgently, because my cheek feels abit full im worrying its swelling and yes i know im a 27 yr old woman but, hehe.

My full blood count came back normal (dr tested me because ive been tired & run down) so i know if i had an infection in my sinuses it would show up but im worrying that the white cell count is up abit but they havent made me aware of it because its not up that much, if you see what i mean.

Sorry ive rambled now. Why do my sinuses have to play me up just when i had the all clear with my bloods, I feel anxious again:(

26-08-06, 15:22
Hi Jem,

God woman you didnt last long lol. I so know how you feel but please let your mind rest a wee bit longer than a day lol. Try not to worry hun and focus on your blood test results that were all fine. Pm me if you wanna chat.

Take Care


26-08-06, 15:24
Thannks Mandy, lol! I know im terrible.

26-08-06, 15:26
Hi Jem,

No hun you aint terrible your just a carbon copy of myself. Oh and belive me you dont wanna go there lol.

Take Care


26-08-06, 15:27

Horrible though isnt it.

29-08-06, 00:50
Hi , I'm still having problems with my sinus's and my nose even makes a snap noise that can be heard! I've had CT scan of the sinus and came back normal, no infection...Now I have heard that maybe I need to see the dentist?Some cases of sinusitis come from infections in the upper teeth that extend into the sinuses. I know that last time i went to the dentist he said i had a little gum disease under my last upper tooth, wisdom I think it is and I'm wondering if this is all the problem!


29-08-06, 19:31
Yes I need to see a dentist not been in 10 yrs but its impossible to get one around here, im lucky ive always had good teeth but i bet i havent now.