View Full Version : Think I'll be needing this site

28-12-12, 09:22
This site probably hears this fairly often, but I've diagnosed myself with lymphoma. I've done this rationally and with a lot of research. I'm atleast 70% sure, but obviously until I get to the doctors and get a biopsy there's no way of telling.

Hopefully I'm wrong and won't need this site but for now at least I'll be on here looking around and probably asking questions. :byebye:

28-12-12, 09:30
IMO that is ill advised. Go to the doctors first then make use of the numerous articles of advice and gradually build up a friendship with others.

28-12-12, 09:34
Hi the

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

28-12-12, 10:37
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help here as I have. I wish you all the best.


28-12-12, 11:47
It's said that medical students frequently (and wrongly) diagnose themselves with the whole range of illnesses in their textbooks, and they're experts in training.

See your doctor. If the result is negative and your fears persist, you may have health anxiety, which is a real and treatable condition.

28-12-12, 17:20
Hi there and welcome to NMP :D

Ricardo and hanshan are absolutely right :)

You cannot possibly, no matter how much you research, diagnose yourself with anything, the sites that you're reading from will have very limited information on them, they are not there as a diagnostic tool,they are there to give brief outlines. At lot of the "better" sites have warnings on them which tell you that the information they have is not to be a substitute for a doctors diagnoses.

Let me tell you something about good old "Dr Google"

1) He cannot see you :)

2) He cannot hear you :)

3) He cannot examine you :)

But what he will willingly do, is throw all sorts of information, facts and figures, none of which any of us will really understand because we're not doctors.

I do understand how hard it must be to be a sufferer of health anxiety, I feel for anyone with any sort of anxiety, it's a horrible thing to have to live with. But please listen to me when I say that all you're doing by going on these health sites is feeding your anxiety more and more because you're not going to understand a lot of the info on them :)

Your doctor, on the other hand, is a highly trained professional, has undergone at least 7 years study and has successfully passed numerous exams to get where they are today. They will have all the facts at hand, they will know what they're looking for and they are the only ones that will give you the correct information.

So I would strongly advise that you stop your research and go and have a chat with your doctor who, I'm sure, will be able to put your mind at rest:)

I hope this hasn't come over as a lecture, I'm just trying to help you :) :hugs:

29-12-12, 15:48
Welcome to the site. I hope you find the support you need, I'm sure you will.

29-12-12, 23:13
Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll find plenty of advice here. :)