View Full Version : I've got to go back to work!

28-12-12, 12:40
I've been of work since the 19th of December they make us take topwo weeks over Xmas and I go back next Wednesday . But I am fed up of doing nothing! No schedule no nothing .
I only have two friends and their schedules and lives don't allow them to be free very often at all.
My family .... Well that's another story .
There's only so many more trips to town looking round the shops I can take...
I've woken up cleaned the kitchen taken the rubbish out and now I'm bored !!!! Everyday spent inside is another day wasted another day thinking ill have a heart attack.
I can just about force my self to go to the shops due to anxiety how ever cinema anything like that is out of the question. I find a walk is difficult makes me panic and is a negative experience for me.
IM GOINg stir crazy....

28-12-12, 12:44
I know the feeling, I've been off since November.

I push myself to go out walking every day, 5-10 miles, I try to avoid the shops as I spent too much, but I've now done about every possible walk from the door and it's getting boring. Yet the though of going back to work fills me with dread (although I have to go in for a sickness review meeting on 4th).

So, no solutions for you I'm afraid, just wanted to empathise with your situation.

28-12-12, 12:45
Is there anything else you enjoy doing, such as playing games (there are loads of games on the arcade on this site) or watching DVDs?

28-12-12, 14:02
I've just asked my dad if he would like a paper from down the road!
I like tele sparkle but I've spent so much time in front of it although when working most of the year I know I'm active then 5 days a week.
It's a worry that I don't do much at all when not working.
November! Ouch...
I never book a week of work now as I can't fill a week I book the odd day or two here or their and its so much more appreciated than having a whole week off
Roll on jan 2nd!!

---------- Post added at 12:52 ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 ----------

I might take a walk down the shop after lunch and shower and pop into the docs and book an app as well that I've been putting off for ages and ages

---------- Post added at 13:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 ----------

Now it's raining for England outside not going out in that and the winds as well . I can't even set the wii up in my bedroom and can't use dad room his sleeping mums sleeping brothers sleeping so bored! Nothing left to tidy I'm making up things to do!

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

What would I do if I lost my job? Lol. It's bad enough trying to find things to do with money let alone without

28-12-12, 14:15
I can fully empathise, Ive beem off three weeks and im going slightly insane too.. bored bored bored... Tv - I think Ive seen everything on at least twice. Im even not that much into cleaning etc, but today Ive just had to do some washing and Ive even put the hot water on to do some washing uP!!!!!! rare event for me lol. Im not due back till the 6th.... arg

28-12-12, 16:55
Three weeks! I've only been off since last Wednesday and I'm going mad.
My dads a postman and I'm going with him on his walk tomorrow morning for something to do! Lol
I'm due back on the 2nd

29-12-12, 11:25
Dad took day of work as very ill so didnt go with him am however meeting a friend today not quite sure what to do wants to look at a car showroom and get his haircut lol.

29-12-12, 21:50
i dont know how people that dont work get trough there days , after a few days off im feeling worse than i have in ages feeling anxious constantly and constant dizziness i cant wait to get back to work as i feel im going backwards