View Full Version : Citralopram Increased from 20mg to 30mg, increased anxiety symptoms?

28-12-12, 14:18
Hi All,

Was doing really good on 20mg but had a few lingering problems so my GP decided that we should try 30mg for a while.

Now on day 2 on the increased dose but have noticed a dramatic return of my symptoms?

I am getting derealisation/depersonalisation and a few of the other more 'physical' types of symptom, shaking and trembling etc.

Is this normal?

Has anyone else experienced this?

Should I stop taking the extra 10mg?



28-12-12, 15:00
totally normal, the increase dose will make you feel like this - i got increased from 20-40. i originally strated on 80, moved down to 20, then moved up. i got the same thing as you have. just dont worry about it, and give it time. try and stop thinking they are causing the effects and in a few days it will return to your normal feelings.

28-12-12, 17:09
I think it is fairly common to get increased side effects for a few days after increasing your dose. It should settle down in a few days, if not go back and speak to your doctor. :)

06-01-13, 11:11
Hi, I have just increases from 20 to 30mg and I feel horrendous. Massive panic attacks constantly. Been on 20mg from November and increased dose last Monday. I'm going to stick it out as I'm desperate for some relieve. Any advice on how long the side affects will last?


06-01-13, 19:35
I still feel a bit 'odd' from time to time but it seems to be levelling out.

My increase took about 10 days to settle but I guess everyone is different.

I haven't noticed a change in my condition post increase but I'm guessing it will take a bit of time.

Stick with it!

Good luck!
