View Full Version : upset,overwhelmd

28-12-12, 14:30
hey all. just thought i,d post! nothing much but im feeling upset & overwhelmd at the moment. im okay i haven,t got my anxietys (YET) but i think it,s because im bored, my kids aren,t very well at the moment with rotten colds & coughs & my youngest one is very chesty & breathing funny & fast & so i get paniky over that. i wish everything would get back to normal. & im thinking about my dad who past away in march from an unexpected heart attack ' he had lymphoma. & he was only 62years old. & im off out with my sister tonight & im not looking forward to it. maybe just because i feel depressd. oh well sorry for boring you all. Thanx for any replies.:yahoo:

28-12-12, 14:37
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-12-12, 14:45
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:
thank you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx