View Full Version : Getting Better

26-08-06, 16:02
Just wanted to share some good news with you all. After suffering from agoraphobia for about 6 months I am pleased to say I am almost over it and it’s all thanks to this site. I don’t post a lot but I do read the messages and take the good advise on broad. So every day I set myself a challenge first it was just opening the front door and stepping on too the drive then going a bit further every day.

Next was going to the local shop omg if you could have seen my legs the first day I did it I was walking like Norman Wisdom But I did it and was so pleased with myself.

Now I am shopping on my own still have a few panicky moments but I feel more like the old me again.

So thank you Nic and Meg for all your good advise on the home page and everyone on this site. You have helped me more than you will ever know.

Now just got to get over this throat thing and life will be back too normal.

Thanks again

Mel xx

26-08-06, 16:05
PS don't know how the angry face got on It was meant to be a smile:D

can I edit my post. Thanks. Found how to edit lol

26-08-06, 16:12
Its good to hear that you are doing so well.

Small steps are the key I think. (I drove to the bank the other day and went in a few other shops too and was really pleased with myself!) And appreciating yourself when you achieve something. What may be easy for others can be a major milestone for some of us. Acknowledging your achievements builds confidence, and helps you feel good about yourself. Well done Mel!!


26-08-06, 16:16
Hi Mel,

Thats excellent news. I'm so pleased for you. Knew you could do it.

Take Care


26-08-06, 17:42
Thats great news Mel - well done:D
love Helen

26-08-06, 20:35
Thanks Lisa, Mandy, and Helen for your replies. It really nice to share all the ups and downs with people who really understand that too get to the shop and run back waving a paper is a lovely thing :D

Helen and thanks for your help with the lumps on my tongue on an previous message.

Mel xx

polly daydream
26-08-06, 23:32
Well done Mel, brill news.

Take care,

Polly x

26-08-06, 23:37
Oh Mel

That is fab news and so lovely to hear.

I am so pleased that we have helped you on here and you are on the road to recovery.

Please pop back and let us know how you are doing ok?

Onwards and upwards for you yeah?


27-08-06, 05:36
hi mel,

thats great to hear..... well done you........:D

take care
twiglet xx

27-08-06, 10:33
Hi Mel

Just wanted to say a big congratulations on your progress-its tories like yours that give me hope for the future. Keep on with your progress-nothing is going to stop you now!


27-08-06, 16:18
Thanks Nic, Polly, Twiglet and Nicjay.

Nic I will pop back and try and help out where I can.

Thanks for letting me share my good news

Mel xx

27-08-06, 18:45
that is great to hear keep it up dont let it beat you your doing a good job even if ya have a bad day its ok we all do just keep on going ...........Linda[8D]

27-08-06, 21:39
Hi Mel,

That's great news. I'm so pleased for you. WELL DONE!

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X
