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28-12-12, 16:24
Guys Im really concerned as iv managed for months But over the last month i feel very very irritated and high anxiety. My face feels twitchy and i feel like i have high adrenelin rushing through me to my head and am constant tired and feeling lots of depersonalization effects and derealization..Im worried so much as its getting worse as the days go and think 24hrs of my illness.. feel very sad all the time and cant talk to anyone without derealization kicking in and this adrenalin feeling..Any advice..Im not on anything other than 50mg of trazadone.I tried higher amounts and they made me feel worse..Could this be some kind of effects of having alcahol and two much chocholate over the last few days...

28-12-12, 16:49

All I'd say is that alcohol definitely doesn't help - I know I feel bad the day after. As you're feeling worse, you're also thinking about how you feel more and it's very easy to get trapped in a downward spiral. I know this is easier said than done but try your best to keep busy and distracted. However hard it is, force yourself to get up early and out of the house. I know it sounds simplistic but I guarantee that you'll start to feel better.

Take care


28-12-12, 20:26
I have been feeling the same over xmas even and i have have similar symptoms to you over several years.When you feel bad definately stop drinking once the holiday season is over you might feel better and trazodone 50mg can make you feel groggy when you wake up but helps you sleep which is a benefit. I get memory loss, paranoia and bad indigestion along with my anxiety .Talk to trusted friend or family member if possible or try to distract yourself and drink lots of water. You,ve probably heard it all before but i hope you feel better soon.


28-12-12, 22:23
You're not supposed to take alcohol with medication but it's christmas so some in moderation should be ok.

29-12-12, 09:40
Yesterday ( friday ) was the worst iv been for months.Today ( sat ) i didnt sleep well as usual but dont have the hivh anxiety so far!. IM hopeing it was a reaction to a 3 day chocholate and food and alcahol binge. And is now fading. I had a reaction before where I had a few drinks and felt high But the next few days i had hightend anxiety. And i seem to have reactions to some chocholate...Im staying of them all now..Thats it...Im norm a none drinker and eat only helthy foods, all week and goto the gym 3 times a week , so this was a massive change for my body.Could this be down to my above binge days.

29-12-12, 11:36
Nothing worse than alcohol and chocolate for making your anxiety worse as they are both stimulants.

Sorry you didn't manage to get to a maintenance dose on the Trazodone. To help with anxiety and depression you need to be on 150mg, if you can't get to that I would see your Doctor as 50mg will be of no use except for as a sleep aid. I went from 50mg to 75mg then to 150mg luckily with no major issues except extreme fatigue. I also get a very dry mouth when I wake up my gums are welded to my teeth!

29-12-12, 12:59
GOOD to hear you are on the higher dose..Are you getting any good effects yet ? I found that around 125mg my mouth was SOOOOOO dry it was hard to breath or swallow and kept waking me in the night.Allso It made me soo tired all day ..I couldnt cope like that..I wish i could find something that actually works for me..As im running out of steam and drive to carry on like this...

29-12-12, 15:33
Hi Greg, I know exactly what you mean about the fatigue. I'm finding that as time passes on this higher dose it's getting easier. When you increase the dose you have to give it a couple of months before giving up. I've just got past 4 weeks at 150mg and when I think back to how I felt when I first increased I know things are improving.

The black cloud I had hanging over me all the time seems to have lifted and the anxiety is not as bad.

I hope you manage to increase your meds as 50mg will do nothing to help with depression and anxiety, according to my Doctor. Fingers crossed you can manage an increase.

Good luck!