View Full Version : the Ddcoo is back # hi you wonderful guys

28-12-12, 17:04
I have just read all your wonderful posts while I have been sunning myself in the Bahamas (only joking) and want to thank every one of you for getting me through this with a lot of help from my NMP ted who has slept in my lovely sweaty plastic hospital bed every day with me. I know I have a long 12 month journey of recovery ahead, but I have you all to jolly me along on the tiring days. If any of you ever feel the need to pm me then I would be happy to try and help.

Well the new half of my tongue taken from my left wrist is looking healthy if not rather swollen, it feels like a large chunk of liver but in about 8 weeks time it should have reduced to a more manageable size, but folk can understand what I am saying If I speak slowly, I just sound as though I have consumed too many G&T's.

The patch they took from my tummy to patch the wrist is about 9" long & still full of staples until Mon when they will be removed. I had about 30 staples in my neck which were removed yesterday. The other bad bit is my left arm where they took the artery from wrist to elbow to feed the new piece of tongue, this is to be redressed on Mon and a support fitted so that I can't damage the artery site and where mt new tongue came from,

I don't know whether you will believe this, as I can hardly believe it, but I have never been in any
pain, just discomfort, especially all round my neck where they took the lymph nodes from.

What I have to work hard at now is speech therapy to try and realign my tongue as the old bit of tongue is pulling over to the left.I am being fed down a gastric tube for the next few weeks then I have to learn to swallow again, which is quite a scarey prospect. How clever these surgeons are, the cancer will be gone and I am hoping the lymph is clear.

My man has been wonderful, not just bt being there, but has had to learn how to feed me via a machine which I think is not only complicated but can be dangerous, then today he has had to go and hire a nebuliser machine as last night I was choking on thick sticky mucous which was frightening, so hopefully our 2nd night back together maybe a bit less frought. Excuse writing as I can only use one hand at the moment,

I would again like to thank you all for your prayers, THEY WORKED.

28-12-12, 17:08
Bless you. I'm glad that you are home and recovery is going well. Take it easy. EJ

28-12-12, 17:13
Glad you are home Diane, wishing you a speedy recovery. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-12-12, 17:16
So lovely that you have felt well enough to make it on here! Well done! You sound really upbeat and I have been praying for your recovery and for you. I am a speech and language therapist (but work with children) and I know that they will have you swallowing and talking well in no time. Might be a bit of hard work but you are a determined, hard working lady and am sure that you will soon be enjoying your G and T!


28-12-12, 17:22
Lovely to have you back with us here on NMP :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

28-12-12, 17:36
Glad you are doing well and staying positive

28-12-12, 17:38
Wishing you a speedy recovery hunni, all the best :) Take it easy!

28-12-12, 17:44
Well done for getting through such a big operation, you are a very strong lady, good luck with your recovery, you are an inspiration to us all.

xxxx Janine

28-12-12, 17:46
wishing you a speedy recovery hun :hugs: xx

28-12-12, 18:06
Oh Diane how lovely to see you and have you back here with us all:yesyes:

You are an inspiration to so many of us, I admire you for your bravery and courage hun :yesyes:

I know you have lot's more to go through during the next year, but I know you will be fine, you're a very brave lady :)

Now it's time to be really kind to yourself and let yourself fully recover slowly, take it a step at a time hun :)

I'm just going off to bed now for some much needed sleep, but what wonderful news to go to sleep on, well done, you did great Diane :yesyes:

Sending you gentle healing hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-12-12, 19:25

I have said it before you are an inspiration to us all God Bless You xx

28-12-12, 20:09
So good to hear from you! We will continue the prayers for you in the days, months, etc to come. Hope your recovery continues smoothly!

28-12-12, 21:05
OMG I can't believe you just typed all of that with one hand! Lol

Welcome back!! You sound so positive after this all which is great! What a trooper and inspiration to us all you are. xxx

28-12-12, 23:38
My HERO is back!!!! :) I am so happy for you, that the operation is all behind you, and you on your way to recovery. You have made us all here so proud of you, we all admire how brave, and strong you have been. I wish I had 1/2 your courage. (you have touched many lives on here) we all think about you all the time. I feel like such a wimp, I backed out of a surgery last year for a silly thyroid nodule, and look what you did! You are truly an amazing women. So glad we have you back, and if there is anything I can do for across the world, for you I will. :hugs: :hugs::hugs:

28-12-12, 23:45
Di you are such a brave lady and still have that fighting spirit in you.

I am so pleased you are ok and things are looking on the up if but slowly.

I am glad there is no pain too as that is important in the recovery process.

It is lovely to hear from you in person and I want to send you a HUGE hug for your recovery


28-12-12, 23:46
It's great to see you back, and still in good humour. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery :)

29-12-12, 00:53
Ddcoo, I don't use NMP much any more but I have read some of your posts and you're a very brave lady. All the very best for your recovery.

29-12-12, 00:56
Welcome back - it's great to hear from you. You're doing great and your strength is an inspiration to us all.

Look after yourself

Pip xxx

29-12-12, 05:15
Hi Diane
Wow you truly are a wonderful brave lady:hugs: coming your way
and I have to agree with so many on here you really are such a inspiration
I am actually lying here having just woke with the usual panic starting to creep
in and I noticed your post and after reading it, can honestly say thinking of how
brave you are after what you have been through is so helping me get through
this panic....really hope you have a speedy recovery and please keep us updated
when you feel able to :flowers::flowers:

29-12-12, 05:38
Welcome back :)

It's amazing what doctors can do these days. It must feel strange having a new tongue but I'm sure in time you won't even notice any difference.

That was a pretty big surgery, 30 staples in your neck, hope it wasn't too bad having them removed.
It's amazing how you simply manage to cope when things get rough.

It's awesome you went and had the surgery knowing all the details :)
I'm so happy you're doing alright.

It's nice to hear you're not in pain.
I bet you're looking forward to getting back to normal.
I do find you to be rather inspiring. I think you give us all a boost of courage so we feel that if you can do it/cope with life, so can we.

Good luck with the speech therapy, I know you might find it hard going at times but you will get there :)

Ooooh the feeding tube sounds a bit scary, but I guess it's really in fact a good thing that's helping you.

I wish you the best with learning how to swallow again. The body is very good at adapting.

The brain learns from repeating the actions over n over as do the muscles :) so with a lot of practice things will improve.

Lovely that you've such a supportive and caring partner.
Oh sorry to hear you were chocking, I guess since you can't swallow either that must have been hard on you.

Again wishing you the best :)