View Full Version : Circulation Disorder????

28-12-12, 17:08
Ever since my first panic attack I have had weird symptoms and health problem fears, even though previously I had never had a health problem. My Latest fear though is some sort of circulation problem as when my hands are by my side, or below my heart they go bright red when they never used to, or purple if it is cold. My hands and feet also get cold really easily. I told my Doc and she seemed to be not worried and said it could be a circulation problem that will clear up of its own accord or some sort of reynauds triggered by stress. Anyway considering she had given me three blood tests before and I am only 17 she said no tests were needed as it was nothing serious. The problem is I don't believe her and when it happens I think, what if it is a heart condition she has missed, or some other serious problem. I don't want to go back there as she'll think I'm mad as I have been to the doc 10 times in 3 months!. Any advice?
Thanks Guys

29-12-12, 01:55
I've been suffering from something very similar to you, I thought I had a heart condition which the doctors failed to spot through MRI and ECHO scans, I also worry about circulation problems which cause edema and swell your ankles if the heart isn't pumping enough blood.
And about your hands and feet, I ALWAYS 9 times out of 10 have cold feet, or one would be cold and other hot lol. And she won't think you're mad for visiting the doctor, I went countless times in a short space of time, and saw different doctors to get their view on my 'heart condition'
Excercising regularly will better your blood circulation :) hope I helped

29-12-12, 10:45
Have you found your condition has improved?, thanks for the reassurance :)

29-12-12, 15:45
Yeah it took a while for me to accept that there was nothing wrong with me, and most of the symptoms I had from that I.e heart racing and chest pain has all gone.