View Full Version : Oh for goodness sake!

28-12-12, 19:17
Mt brother has an awful cold has slept for 24 hits been sick coughing headache sore body fever.
He won't drink though he needs to! I tell my mum and she says he doesn't! His not had food or drink today and there's nothing I can do! He refuses to! His going to make him self so ill I've told mum and I got told to shove off upstairs but he won't drink!
And is moaning got headache I said drink he says no !!
She's ill to hasn't got up today awful cough smokes and has astmha lost her voice yet still takes ibuprofen

28-12-12, 19:26
There is only so much you can do Emma and if he won't drink then you can't make him and try not to make it your problem and get stressed over it.

28-12-12, 19:28
I agree what will happen though as his just not going to drink anything? Will we end up in hospital with him on a drip?

It shouldn't be my issue to worry about it but they don't understand that you need water!

Anxious lu
28-12-12, 19:32
My brother is stubbon too..

Try to tempt him?

Stick a nice glass of water in his room for if he realises he needs it he can just grab it and not have to get up. Or a nice glass off medicine water like beechams or whatever it is or tea always helps with a cold. My doctor told me teA has antibacterial in it and is good for your throat..

28-12-12, 20:07
He just said 'Emma do you like tango '
Yes I do I said do you want one?
I've bought out orange juice etc etc nothing's working :(

---------- Post added at 20:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:38 ----------

He has told me that he did get up and have several drinks last night so I suppose its not so bad at all

28-12-12, 23:01
Although it's not advisable, the human body can go on for a while without a drink - I've certainly gone for 24 hours with no water before, when I was very poorly with sun stroke. I was tired the next day, and had an awful headache, but I didn't need artificial hydration of any kind, so I'm sure your brother will be fine :)

29-12-12, 11:19
You just have to try to remember your brothers an adult and if he makes himself worse then that's his look out. All you can do is offer drinks but he knows the risk of not drinking so don't feel like you are obliged to!

29-12-12, 11:39
Thank you
My brother is 16 with learning difficulties the thing is he doesn't know the risk of not drinking but I give up its not problem to deal with and I shouldn't have to deal with it I can't let it stress me out anymore!

29-12-12, 14:12
Ahh I see. Well in that case your parents should be making more of an effort to get him to drink and not leave it down to you.

Granny Primark
29-12-12, 14:31
Aww you poor thing emma.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
You obviously love and care for your brother an awwful lot.
See if he will sip a drink out of a straw.
Good luck and try to stop worrying too much.:hugs:

29-12-12, 20:06
Hello everyone went out today got phone call from mum saying could I bring some water home for him bought a 750ml bottle and he drank the lot of it! Very shocked haha

---------- Post added at 20:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

My dads nit got out of bed today and my mums lost he voice she has astmha and Is a smoker worried about them all! Lol

29-12-12, 20:21
You can't worry about everybody lovely - at least he's had some fluids!

Granny Primark
30-12-12, 08:33
So glad your brother drank some water.:D
You seem like me. If your not worried about something your worried cus your not worried.
Your obviously a very caring loving person.