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26-08-06, 19:02
today i feel so sick and scared. my legs are l;ike jelly and i feel soooo dizzy

i have my period and have been feeling so anxious

could this be my heart giving up

im so scared about the constant dizzyness and sickness


26-08-06, 19:14
hi jackie

im sorry you feel like this today

i am due my monthly very soon and have been feeling dizzy and very tired (and moody lol)
i dont think this will be your heart giving up i think you would have chest pains and short of breath .at this time of the month i think everything is worse well for me anyway .
hope you start to feel better soon.

jodie xxx

26-08-06, 20:01
Hi Jackie
I have had exactly the same thing today and i have my period. It cant be a coincidence. Dont worry, i think its just one more thing for us girls to contend with!

26-08-06, 20:13

Ive just replyed to a similar post but if you haven't seen it I said I've been more panicky than usual last couple of days and have come on today, feelin less panicky now but still nauseous. Yep I think its the hormones,
Don't worry hun


26-08-06, 21:34
thanks so much . just feel so dizzy and sick. cant take these symptoms they are just so vague yet debilitating

hope it eases, just feel like running to a n e but im on holiday in dublin



26-08-06, 22:12
Hi Jackie,

It sounds very likely that it's hormonal to me, I often feel like that just before or with a period. I hope you are able to enjoy your holiday.

Lisa x

26-08-06, 23:01
thanks lisa, a comfort as always


26-08-06, 23:09
Ah yes,good old hormones!!

Hope you feel better soon

Hunny x