View Full Version : Feeling out of control

28-12-12, 23:11
Hi all,

I'm still fairly new to this site, despite being a member under a different username a couple of years ago; I decided to rejoin this year after having somewhat of a 'relapse' after coming off Citalopram and also being under a lot of stress.

Anyway my reason for this post is just to vent and write down my current issue with driving/being on the road and just my concern that it is getting out of control. I never really used to be aware of a problem but certainly over the course of the year, my anxiety, especially as a passenger, is becoming heightened and I fear it is going to cause issues between myself and husband.

I don't know if it's due to not personally being in control, but I always feel like he drives too fast/doesn't slow down in time enough in slowing traffic etc. and any journey we always take, I'm constantly on edge and having severe feelings of panic; that we're either going to crash or he's going to hit another car. It's getting to the stage where I'm literally having knee-jerk reactions (as in slamming my foot down in cases where I feel like I want to slam on the break) and generally feeling very antsy and having knots in my stomach. I am not a confident driver myself and so generally avoid doing so, unless the journey is a familiar one. However I am beginning to dread my husband having to drive us places.

Now I must say that he has never had any accidents and usually appreciates my concerns when I ask him to slow down etc. but other times he just gets frustrated and irritable, which I guess I can understand. If someone were to critisize my driving, I would be quite defensive I guess. But
I've been in one accident (where I was not at fault) where I had to break, fairly sharply and the vehicle behind me went into my car..which was consequently written off and I've had the odd near miss...usually due to lack of signalling etc. So perhaps my experiences are clouding my ability to rationalise.

Does anyone else have similar feelings when being a passenger with a particular person or in general?

Apologies for the lengthy and possibly slightly incoherent post.
