View Full Version : Symptoms causing anxiety or other way round?

29-12-12, 09:24
This question might have been asked before, but do you find that panic causes symptoms or your symptoms cause the panic.
I find that with me it is the symptoms that cause me to panic but just wondered what others thought? :flowers:

29-12-12, 09:26
im with you on this , i think its symptoms that make me panic too :) :)

29-12-12, 09:42
I think with me, it can be either way, eg if I catch a cold I'll start to panic because of the way a cold makes me feel and Iknow I can't escape from it. However, if I am in an anxious state of mind, or feeling stressed or tired, these can bring on a panic attack out of the blue. Also, the actions of others can make me panic, eg my 39 yr old daughter (who lives with me and has a 5 yr old daughter) has developed an alcohol dependency. It is now 9:40AM and she is drunk - this has caused me to have a panic attack - I can't cope with drunks.

29-12-12, 09:42
With me a symptom will trigger a adrenalin rush and then the anxiety .
It's usually somthing I'm focusing on eg. My vision and fear of optic migraines, and as you know anxiety every part of your body comes with its symptoms , eyes included. What I have found over the years (25) where before I'd have anxeity symptoms , look up symptoms in a medical book , see they matched up and I'd be calm , lately knowing I'm not alone don't have the same affect , and I keep visiting this site for reassurance . Maybe general anxeity has turned into full blown health anxeity ?
Hope I've been of help , take care.

29-12-12, 11:13
Mine has always been both. One or two innocent 'symptoms' causes the panic which in turn causes more symptoms which causes more panic and so on :wacko:

29-12-12, 17:40
For me it's definitely the symptom first ie chest pains which cause the panic however my doctor an therapist have said its actually my anxiety first which causes the symptom I'm just not aware I'm anxious until I get the pain and the cycle starts.

29-12-12, 17:43
def the body symptoms as soon as i get a symptom im bang on it and this starts my anxiety off big time

29-12-12, 17:55
I think a bit of both xx

29-12-12, 23:44
Hi, my anxiety was 10x worse last year, my anxiety would cause all kinds of strange feelings inside my body but now I feel that I get a symptom and then I panic and its usually when I haven't felt anxious for a long time that I'll get a strange feeling in my body and then think that its come back to haunt me again.

29-12-12, 23:51
I definitely get the symptom, then the panic, if it wasn't for those darn weird feelings I probably would be fine. :)

30-12-12, 00:14
What Arnie says is correct. It's the anxiety and the way you think which start the symptoms. Anxiety often happens at a subconscious level first of all hence we get symptoms and start to freak out. Then, we add to the anxiety that was at first subconscious by focusing on the symptom and fearing the worst which aggravates the feelings

30-12-12, 04:07
This question might have been asked before, but do you find that panic causes symptoms or your symptoms cause the panic.
I find that with me it is the symptoms that cause me to panic but just wondered what others thought? :flowers:

a bit of both for me, i can drive myself crazy worrying about symptoms and half the time i've brought them about myself!!:shrug::wall:

30-12-12, 09:50
Thanks all for your replies ,interesting to see other's responses . :flowers: xxx

30-12-12, 10:06
i once wrote a statement verey much like this i was wondering if it was my thoughts that set me off feeling panicky or was it sensation i was aware of in my body that set the thoughts of oh my god somthing is wrong its like i said then it was a bit like the chicken or the egg lol because it all happens in a flash the thought the bodily sensation the panic they seem to all come together dont they any way you are defo not alone take care trish xcx

30-12-12, 20:31
I am finding that you more you think about symptoms, then the more that start to randomly appear, the other day mine started with a little bit of breathlessness, I started to worry about that and then developed numerous symptoms, clammy hands , chest pain, pressure in head , wobbly legs.